It was difficult for Nathi. Even at school, he was not doing well. He was known for being the best student, but with all the difficulties he was getting from home, he was not anymore. He always seemed stressed in the class. The teachers were worried about him, even the principal tried to sit down with him. He told them he was fine, but he was really not fine.

Bheki was worried about him. He wanted to help him, but Nathi didn’t let him. He didn’t want to tell him what was bothering him. The school bell rang for the school to be let out and Bheki found Nathi at the school’s main gate waiting for the transport.

“Nathi, is there anything bothering you? You know you can talk to me, I am your buddy,” Bheki said.

“No, you don’t have to worry about me. I am cool, I just had a bad day,” Nathi said.
Bheki was shocked.

“Not just a bad day, you have been like this for months now. Remember, I am your friend, I know you. Talk to me, you know I am always there if you need me. I can’t let you go through whatever it is that is bothering you alone. You know you have been a best friend to me even on bad days.”

“No, I am really cool buddy. Let’s talk about something else. How about girls or cars?”

“You want to talk about girls? Since when? You know nothing about girls, or is there a girl who changed that at school? Tell me about it boy,” Bheki laughed alone, and that proved that Nathi was not fine. He was just avoiding him by telling him to talk about something else.

“Better my transport arrived, we will catch up tomorrow buddy.” Nathi was relieved because he didn’t want more questions from Bheki, they would both go their separates ways.

Nathi sat next to the window in the taxi facing the school gate where he left Bheki. He felt guilty about lying to him, saying he was fine while he knew he was not. He had been his friend since day one. He was the only person he could talk with about everything.

He had a bad day at school. Bheki would understand, he thought as the taxi drove off. His phone vibrated in the pocket of his backpack that was on his lap. He took it out and saw a message from an unregistered number on his phone.

Hi, Nathi. It’s Sphesihle. I’m sure you must be wondering where I got your number. It’s just that we are worried about you, everyone is. You are a nice guy and you don’t seem well at school. You always look stressed so I thought maybe it’s better if I try to speak with you.

Sphesihle was his crush ever since he joined Zwane High School. He couldn’t believe she asked if he was fine. Did that mean she cared about him? He quickly saved her number as Sphe while his heart was pounding, She really cares about me, he thought, then he texted her back.

Hi, Sphe. Thanks for showing me that you care. It’s nothing to worry about, it’s something little that I am going through at home, but I will be fine.

He stared at the phone, waiting for the quick response from Sphesihle. His phone beeped with the text.

Okay cool. Just promise me you will be cool and please don’t come back to school like that tomorrow. See you at school. Ciao.

Sphesihle was the only person who would bring back the smile on Nathi’s face. She was the only person who made him feel alive again. When he saw her, he saw all the love he missed from his mother. She was the only woman who could heal the wound that was left in his heart by his mother’s death. But with all the things he was going through, he was afraid to embarrass himself by telling Sphesihle how he felt about her.


Tell us what you think: Do you think Siphe likes Nathi or is she just a concerned schoolmate?