Nathi lost his mother, Busi, at the age of six. He never knew his father. His mother was supportive so he never needed his father while his mother was still alive. But now without her, he wished he had another shoulder to cry on. He was fourteen years old now and his Aunt Neli treated him like a stranger. They were staying in a village called Bhadeni at Nkosi’s household with her mother’s family.

Busi and Neli had the conversation before Busi died. She asked her to look after his son. She knew her sister only cared about her child, Thandeka. She wanted to remind her that Nathi was like her son too because they were blood sisters. Neli promised to look after her son, but it seemed like all she wanted was for her sister to rest in peace without worrying about her son.

It has been eight years since Busi had passed away, and Neli has been showing her true colours to Nathi ever since. She couldn’t hide that she never really liked him. He was no longer allowed to go and play with other kids in the street. He was the maid of the house, cooking and washing dishes while Thandeka was watching television. She was older than Nathi, she was sixteen years old. She didn’t do anything in the house, not even washing dishes. She was treated like a princess and she was abusive to Nathi as well. She often told him to go around looking for his father if he wanted to live the nice life without worries.

Nathi was always hurt by words at home, the place he was supposed to get help from. He didn’t see the potential he always saw in himself. When he was a little boy and his mother was alive, she bought him a guitar for his fifth birthday because he was good at it. He put it in a safe place because every time he tried to play it, they said he was making noise. He just felt like he was good for nothing.

Nathi had a friend, Bheki. They met at primary school and were staying in different villages. The only chance they got to see each other was at school. The villages were not that far apart and on the weekends Nathi would walk to visit Bheki if his aunt was not home.

It was after school, Nathi was ready for soccer practice. He was excited because there was nothing more important than spending time with his soccer teammates and playing soccer. He couldn’t wait for soccer practice. It was the only thing that distanced himself from the problems he was facing at home even though a crew of boys were always bullying him at the practice.

“Hello Aunt, I will see you when I get back from the soccer practice,” he said with a smile on his face.

“Wait, who said anything about soccer practice? Do you think these dishes will wash themselves? Who will cook for you? Do you have a wife in this house?”

“But Aunty, Thandeka can cook today. We have a game this weekend and I can’t miss practice. I will do anything you want me to do when I come back.”

“This is my house, if you still want to live under my roof, you will follow my rules. If you think you are the man of this house, you can do as you like and you can go to that crazy practice you are talking about out. My words are final though, I have nothing much to say to you.”

“But Aunty, why are you doing this to me? I wish my mom was still alive.”

“If you really want your mom, go dig up her grave and get the hell out of my face. Do what I just told you to do,” she said as she walked to her room.

Nathi was hurt, he didn’t know what to do. His aunt’s words hurt him deep in his heart. How could she be so heartless? His mother and she were sisters, but she treated him like a stranger. He couldn’t believe that she just said that he must go dig her up. He started cooking and washing the dishes with tears in his eyes.


Tell us what you think: Why do you think Nathi’s aunt is treating him like this?