All you need to do is to change yourself

Find a quiet spot where you can relax and close your eyes for a few minutes. All need to do now is picture your body as the complex machinery it is. We know it will sound a little crazy, but it does work if you allow your imagination to explore the concept of self-healing. It is a fact that your mind has the power to heal your body and itself. Truly believe that it can heal itself of anything.

Let these thoughts of healing, health and vitality flow through your body, filling your bloodstream, organs and every cell you possess.
Actually, picture your body cleansing and healing itself by thinking of clear mountain water flushing throughout your body, washing out all impurities. We recommend that you try this short little exercise daily, to help protect you from the gloom and doom of depression as well as any other ailment that plagues you.

One cannot underestimate the extraordinary healing power of this exercise and there have been many documented reports proving that this and similar exercises have helped cure a number of ailments including depression. By doing this exercise for a few minutes each day, you will be surprised at how invigorated you will feel for the rest of the day. It should make you feel healthy, strong and good about yourself, thus warding off depression and illness.

One of the easiest ways to avoid depression is to distance yourself from all negatives and to promote only positives. At its time push aside anything memories, thoughts and experiences that could eat away at your good feelings about yourself and life in general. It also means closing the door on those negative people whose influence so easily rubs off on you.

Do not let anyone take away your good feelings and lust for life! We all have our down times, when our good feelings are eroded by circumstances and events, but we can avoid falling headlong into depression by adopting a positive mental attitude. We mentioned earlier that an effective way to avoid depression would be to focus on your strong points. In the same way you can also wipe out depression and put a smile on your face by focusing on the irreplaceable assets you have that money just can’t buy.

Prove it to yourself; from this moment on, give friendly greeting to all those you met regardless of their position in life. Show genuine interest in those around you. Offer kindness and encouragement to those clearly in need thereof. Compliment and thank from the heart. Remove depression, fear and worry from your mind.

Create an abundance of happiness, attract new friends, and receive warmth and affection from all you meet. Produce an aura around you that would attract riches and blessings from others, create a tremendous boost for your physical and mental wellbeing.

Create a desire within you to be friendly and helpful to all you meet. It is important to remember that you must do this without expecting any rewards in return. Of course, this does not mean you have to follow in the steps of Superman, saving lives left, right and centre, or become a saint and give everything you own to others.

Sometimes it is just the small things in life that all the difference. Rather make room for better memories and experiences still to come in the future.

Whatever your current problems are, you must realise that it is not the end of the world. There is still so much for you to live for, things to do, places to see and people to meet. Your time here is short; so why not choose to make the best of it? We all fall at some stage, some harder than others.

However, much like falling off a horse, one has to immediately climb back on that saddle and take charge before confidence is lost and fear sets in. Likewise, after any knock in life we must immediately fight back and try again before depression sets in and self-esteem is lost.

No one wants to remain miserable, sad, bitter and depressed indefinitely, but everyone wants exactly the opposite to be happy indefinitely. Just as you work at creating your own depression, you too can work at creating or manufacturing your own happiness. By doing this, you would make it very easy on yourself to feel happy, whilst making it very difficult to feel depressed.

Forget about relying on something or someone for your happiness. For true, long lasting happiness, you can rely only on yourself. Never put off being happy; rather choose to be happy now and fill your mind with your reasons for happiness.

Do things that make you feel good? Learn to see the bright side of life and fill your world with laughter. Remember, ‘He who laughs, lasts!’ Devote some time and energy to making others happy and it will return to you tenfold. The happiness that eludes most of us is in fact well within everyone’s grasp, if only they choose to create it and attract it.

Be a strong leader for your life and yourself. Set the pace by being the example of excellent performance so that others can follow. From the beginning, GOD had a loving plan for the salvation of people in every nation. The testimony of the revelation of GOD word is that GOD hold the world together. At the creation of the heavens and the earth, He set in motion natural laws to make His world continue.
