No, low risk does not give high returns

One of the basic rules of investing is that there is a direct link between the risk of an investment and the expected return of that investment. There is no such thing as a low risk investment, which is expected to bring in high returns. One of the less pleasant tasks, which I often have, is telling people that they have to take more risks than they are comfortable with when they are nearing retirement. This is because they need to get the expected higher returns of those riskier investments.

When retirement is only few years away, this when people start getting desperate for this higher returns and they fall prey to the “guaranteed” high return “products. “Greed and desperation overrides common sense. Think about this carefully; a company has a scheme or an investment where they are prepared to pay you a “guaranteed” 22%.
They are probably a very bad risk, otherwise, if they were not a bad risk they could borrow the money from the bank at 15% and make a lot more profit.

Unfortunately, I do not believe in the goodness of humankind. They are not paying you 22% (or whatever that rate may be) because they want to help you, they are paying that because there is obviously a risk to the investment and they cannot borrow any more from the banks. Finally, you should not be fooled by the word “guaranteed” anything. What you need to look at is what assets are backing these guarantees?

Do they have proper office with employees, computer systems and record of accomplishment? Are they a registered financial services organisation? What are their references? Check them out! Ask questions.

Ask for bank guarantees-real ones, not ones they print themselves on a computer. Ask someone you trust to check it out. Standard advice is “if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is” so when it comes to investments there is no such thing as a free lunch. The price you pay for expected higher returns is always at the higher risk.

You may want to take the risk to get the higher return, but be informed before you sign over your money. In addition, please! Whatever you signing for please check it very carefully, because to sign for anything it is a high risk and very risky.

Change comes from you

For order to be restored, for peace to prevail, you must take charge. The change to a better world starts with you. Living in this world gives the pleasure of enjoying life and facing challenges without fear. However, given the fact that some people are completely lost in this world, one wonders why there are so many bad things happening.

There is no more respect, there is no more love and of course, the feeling of always baying for one another’s blood makes the world blind. All people have different problems, and those problems please do not call them problems. Because if you call them problems. You have double problems to solve. Call them challenges and make them your stepping-stones.

Problems have reasons, we are aware that life is full of temporary disappointments, heartaches, sadness and failure, which can easily drag you down if your not careful. Most of us think of the day when we will have no more problems.

It is not an accident that a particular problem happens to you at that point in your life. Instead of trying to eliminate them, we should strive understand exactly what they are. In every problem, there is an abundance of opportunities. Sometimes people make your life very difficult and other problems that arise when you still busy trying to make your life better.

In addition, things go well when you face matters head on without too much worry about results. In addition, you must praise God all the time because He is there for you brother, please prays Him all the time if you need to secure your living space. Emotionally, you are ready to release the negatives, strengthen self-esteem and step onto a new platform.

Do not neglect yourself if work demands continue to keep you busy. If you are with people who always complain or find fault with you, mix with folk that are more positive. Deal with difficulties as they arise.

Do not put things off because life goes on. Tensions that surface in all your relationships or your success give you a chance to clear the air and improve your progress. In addition, you must understand one thing that all what we do in this world is for these world. If you read the Holy Bible in -1Timothy 6:6-7 says but Godliness with contentment is great gain. We brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it

In life, you can reap the rewards of the past efforts or put in the structures for the future rewards. Change of style or image leaves you feeling new again. Watch that you are timing is not off if you want to step into a new situation. Stick to your plans all the time in life, plans may suffer delays or you may change your mind about something important.