He used to believe that the truth would always come out, as his father used to tell him.

“The truth will always come out. It has the power and has not to be defended,” his father would always tell him when he was young. Then he was sent to prison where he was sentenced to six years of hard labor. There at the prison, he made friends with some inmates. They all taught each other and learned handwork together. By the end of the first half of his years, he had become and expert at carpentry.

His fellow inmates adored him for his great work. Then after being released from prison, he found out that his wife had married to another man and that they had two children of their own. He couldn’t believe that he had lost her. Indeed, as word goes, human love is easily tempted by money. There were problems that drove Maureen to get married. After her husband was arrested and sent to prison, her brothers persuaded her to marry another man so that she never lost face. She rejected them, so they got angry with her. They even stopped helping her so life became a struggle.

Her business was over so she had no any source of income. The remaining money from the stall that they added they paid that incompetent lawyer. Being released and finding his wife married, Chitani couldn’t help but cry. She was all he had and loved with his full heart. He imagined life being difficult again as it was his wife who used to bring things for the family.

The fact that he had been to prison, and that graduates with criminal records are disqualified from getting jobs, made him feel worse. He never had hope for the future. He wondered why he was given life and regretted the day he was stopped from hanging himself. While he was walking and thinking hard about how to move on with his life, he saw a vacancy paper pinned on a tree.

It was a church looking for carpenters to make chairs for the church. He read the map and went straight to the pastor’s office. There he was assured that they were looking for carpenters and that he should start the job the same day if he was prepared. The pastor introduced him to the supervisor to discuss some few things with him before he started working. The church was in a hurry to dress the church well, as they had a festival in few days to come.

The company workers weren’t enough to finish that job in time so they decided to post a vacancy for a part-time job for some carpenters who might be interested. Chitani happily joined with other carpenters and started the job that same day. The supervisor was impressed with his work. He offered Chitani a place in their company. He was happy to have finally found a job. He knew he didn’t have to worry about food and shelter.

One morning, upon reaching the workplace, the supervisor called him and asked him if he was comfortable with his current position. With a smile he nodded in agreement.

“I called you for a promotion,” the supervisor happily said. “From now onwards you are taking my place. I’m old for this job so I have decided to retire,” he added.

Chitani stood speechless this time. He didn’t know what to say. He never expected life to turn to the white side within that short time. He wished his parents were alive. He even wished Maureen was there in his life. Two years after his promotion, he took a loan and opened his small company. He spent little for himself and used his saving to pay the workers the first months.


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