“Clara let me drop you off. What does Tsitsi’s mother look like?” Miss Aggie asks concerned.

Her phone alerts her of a message sent from a number she doesn’t know. She tries to open it, while looking out on the road. It’s Tsitsi.

I saw her coming from the corner when you drove off

Miss Aggie feels her stomach making big sounds as if danger is coming. Her heart is not at ease. she has to return back to Tsitsi’s home. She drops Clara and makes a U-turn, speeding away. She hears screams and noises that unsettles her heart. When she arrives, she bangs the door hard.

“Hey! Do you want to break my door?” Nyasha yells.

“Where is Tsitsi?” she asks after pushing her aside.

She walks in. Miss Aggie becomes angry when she sees Tsitsi’s swollen face. She hugs her tightly.

“I am so sorry dear,” she says quietly.

Nyasha sits on the sofa after she realises that her abuse has been seen by someone else. She feels embarrassed and covers her face with both of her hands. She is feeling guilty.

Miss Aggie returns to the lounge and finds Nyasha crying.

“Do you love Tsitsi? This could take you to jail,” she says furiously.

“I am sorry, please don’t report me,” she begs wiping her tears.

“Do you know your daughter was raped?” Miss Aggie says.

“What?” she is puzzled.

“Nicholas raped her,” Miss Aggie says.

Nyasha stands up with anger and she kicks the wall hard. She leans towards the wall. She wants to grab her boyfriend by the neck and choke him with both of her hands. She looks at Miss Aggie.

“Why didn’t she tell me?” she asks calmly.

“You have been neglecting your own daughter. She wouldn’t tell you. If she didn’t faint at school she would have not have broken the silence,” She says.

Nyasha’s tears flow down her cheeks. Miss Aggie looks down. Tsitsi comes into the lounge with a sad face. She looks at the two women and knows that her mother is aware of the rape.

“I am sorry baby, I have been harsh on you. Please forgive me,” she grabs and embraces her.

After a half an hour of silence, Miss Aggie asks what will happen to Nicholas. They agree that he deserves to go to jail. They go to the police station to lay a charge against him. Tsitsi doesn’t feel comfortable. She knows all about how rapists threaten their victims. Nyasha’s heart is broken by what her boyfriend did to her child. With the evidence from the doctor, Nicholas is sent to prison.

Nyasha promises to never neglect her again and they will see a therapist every week. Miss Aggie gives Nyasha a condition: She must change or else she would go to jail, like Nicholas. They tell the police that the physical abuse was Nicholas’ doing too.

Miss Aggie wants Nyasha and her daughter to build their relationship. Tsitsi is happier now. Nyasha doesn’t want to repeat what happened so she no longer brings her boyfriends’ home. Till this day, their mother and daughter relationship is building well.

Tsitsi tells her mother about Eddie, her friend. Instead of dating, Eddie decides to be best friends with her until she recovers. He visits them every weekend when Nyasha is at home. Nyasha wants to surprise her daughter, so she invites Eddie, Clara, Miss Aggie and a few of her classmates.

“Tsitsi come here quickly,” she says.

“Mama, she is in the bathroom,” says Godfrey closing the door.

“Wow, this is nice. Promise me, you will do this for me on my birthday?” he whispers.

They wear the paper birthday hats and Godfrey is holding a big present for his sister. Nyasha lights the candles. Tsitsi comes out wearing a pink dress. She stands still with her mouth open; she’s surprised. She smiles with tears running down her cheeks. Clara wipes her tears and draws her closer.

“Happy birthday to you…” Everyone sings.

Tsitsi still can’t believe it. Finally, her mother will love and support her as she did before. They celebrate her birthday in style, eating cake and drinking juice.


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