A slim lady enters the emergency room. she is dressed in a peach suit and she’s carrying a small black handbag. Miss Aggie pulls Clara quietly. She smiles when she looks at the lady.

“I am Miss Maruvara. I want to talk to you, so I can help you,” she says calmly.

Tsitsi keeps blinking her eyes confused. Miss Maruvara looks concerned and she tries not to make her uncomfortable.

“Are there any problems at home?” she asks.

Tsitsi looks down doubting if she should trust her or not. What if she doesn’t believe her? What if her mother doesn’t like what she is doing? Maybe she is also wrong. She thinks it’s her fault to be treated like this by her mother.

“You can trust me. I will listen to what you have to say. I promise to help you,” Miss Maruvara says calmly.

Tsitsi starts from the first time her mother brought a boyfriend home and how she treated her. She leaves out the part of her mother beating her and Nicholas raping her.

“Did the man touch you?” Miss Maruvara asks.

Tsitsi nods and cries. Miss Maruvara stands up and consoles her.

She whispers, “Everything will be okay.”

After a few minutes, she wipes her tears and sits down.

“Did you tell your mom?” she asked.

Tsitsi shakes her head.

“Are you worried she won’t believe you?” she asks and Tsitsi nods her head.

“I believe you.”

She can’t believe a stranger believes her. How can someone you don’t know be so caring and loving? Miss Maruvara is young, she hopes she has a child whom she treats well. I wish I had a mother like her, Tsitsi thinks to herself. Mr. Sango enters the room and walks the therapist out. Miss Aggie comes in with Clara.

“Time to go home!” Clara exclaims.

“Please try to eat and if something is wrong at home call me,” she says, giving her a paper with a number.

She then puts her shoes on and grabs her bag and walks along with her friend Clara. Miss Aggie decides to drop them off at home. They all sit in the car silently. She drives her Mazda 323 which is a bit fast. Clara smiles when Tsitsi looks at her.

Upon arriving at the gate, Miss Aggie asks, “Is your mother home?”

“I don’t know. I will check,” she says as she opens the door of the car and getting out. Her friend follows. Godfrey is kicking his ball against the wall.

“You will break the window,” She says.

“Now you come here on a stranger’s car too?” he chuckles.

“Hey boy, you don’t talk to your sister like that,” Clara says loudly.

“Is mom in?” Tsitsi asks.

Her phone beeps, Godfrey hears it and looks at her wondering what it is. Godfrey shakes his head and goes to the back of the house running. Miss Aggie gets out of the car when the girls enter.

Tsitsi thinks Godfrey is lying. She finds out that he was telling the truth.

“Your Mom’s not in?” asks Clara after browsing around the house.

“Yes, I thought Godfrey was lying,” Tsitsi says, sadly.

“Was it your phone?” Clara asks.

“What phone?” she asks.

“I heard it,” Clara says looking serious.

“Let’s go tell Miss Aggie my mother isn’t home,” Tsitsi says.

Clara thinks maybe she misheard, maybe it’s something else but she isn’t sure if it’s the vibration of a phone. Miss Aggie leans her back on the car while looking at her phone. She sees the girls coming back. she slides her phone in the pocket of her green skirt.

“She hasn’t come back yet,” She says.

Clara gets in the car. Their teacher looks at Tsitsi.

“Don’t forget to call me when things go bad,” She says.

“I wrote notes in your book. You must study we have tests coming up,” Clara says looking through the window.

“Thanks Clara,” Tsitsi wipes her eyes.

“Have a good night,” Miss Aggie says and she drives off slowly.

Tsitsi didn’t see her mother coming from the corner. Her face looks scornful, she quickly gets inside the gate and runs into the house. She eats the food in her lunchbox. she finishes it all. Tsitsi sends a message to Miss Aggie quick.

My mother is coming, I am in serious trouble

And then she sends one to Eddie as well.

I will be fine. Sorry for the late reply

She takes her books and begins to read. Nyasha opens the door harshly.

“Whose car was that?” she shouts.

“Hello Mama,” she stands up trying to avoid the question.

“I asked whose car was that? You’re seeking for attention that’s why you caused drama at school!” she shouts.

Tsitsi can see that her mother is furious. Without wasting time Nyasha slaps Tsitsi hard causing her to cry. Blood comes out from her nose and mouth. The punches do not stop until there’s a knock on the door.

“Wash that blood off quickly,” she whispers.

Nyasha rubs her hands on her trousers and walks away. Tsitsi goes inside the bathroom and washes her face. She looks at the blood that is turning colourless in the sink. A big bruise appears on her lips, and her nose is broken which causes her a lot of pain.


Tell us: What do you think will happen next?