“Hey beautiful lady,” a voice says.
She looks up and sees a conductor who stands by the taxi door. He looks older than her by a few years. He is good looking and dressed in a slim fit jean.
“Come, I will drop you where you need to be,” he says.
Without thinking Tsitsi gets inside. The taxi is not full and she sits in the front row, next to the boy. The taxi drives off.
“I’m Eddie and you are?” he asks.
“Tsitsi,” she says feeling uncomfortable.
“I won’t do anything to you, I just want to tell you that I love you,” he whispers.
“Really? Why me?” she chuckles.
“You will see why as time goes by,” he says, quietly.
“Where do you stay?” he asks.
Someone calls out to be dropped then he bangs the taxi from outside. It stops. A woman and a man get off. He gives Tsitsi a Mint phone. She doesn’t know what he wants from her by giving her a phone. Her mother won’t buy her a phone unless it stays at home. Godfrey will say it is his.
“It will be easier to contact you,” he says, and the taxi drives off.
She waves at him, then the taxi hoots. Tsitsi doesn’t notice Godfrey who’s standing by the gate. She hides the phone in her pocket.
“Since when do you take a taxi from school?” he shouts and walks inside the gate.
Tsitsi rushes behind and grabs him. She wants to slap him but her mother will never believe her. He laughs when she lets him go. They always walk back from school. Mornings are good when her mother’s boyfriends have cars; they would offer to drive them to school.
“I am going to tell Mom!” he screams as he runs into the house.
Tsitsi’s heart beats faster. Her mother will beat her, even when she is not in the wrong. She knows if she gives him something, he will keep the secret. But Godfrey has a loose mouth.
“I will buy you a milkshake every Monday,” she promises.
“You promise?” he asks, staring into her eyes.
“I promise,” she says, crossing her heart with her finger.
She opens the door and walks to the kitchen sink to wash the plates. Godfrey has changed and is now wearing green shorts with a vest. He opens the door and runs, kicking his ball.
Tsitsi continues doing her chores. After cleaning the house, her small cell phone rings. She answers it quickly, checking if the coast is clear.
“Hello?” she says.
“Tsitsi, it’s me Eddie. Did you arrive well at home?” he asks feeling concerned.
“Yes, I did thanks,” she answers as she checks the window.
“I meant what I said when I said I love you,” he speaks sincerely.
“I get it,” she says, looking outside through the door.
“Meet me tomorrow after school and enjoy your night,” he says.
He hangs up after a second of silence. Tsitsi goes to the bedroom do her Math homework. She hates Math. She sits and checks all the examples before writing. There is a bunch of children who are laughing and shouting from outside. She fidgets with her phone and puts it on silent so that her mother can’t find it. She gets frightened when the door bangs, she stands up and checks in the lounge while standing at the bedroom door. It’s Nicholas. He smiles when he sees her face hanging on the door.
“My beautiful baby,” he says, coming towards her.
“Good afternoon,” she says and closes the door but Nicholas pushes it and overpowers her. He enters the bedroom and closes the door.
“What do you want?” she shouts.
“Ssh… I want to talk to you,” he says, walking like a lion trying to catch a prey.
Tsitsi just stands there not knowing what to do. Nicholas comes closer and touches her breasts. She wants to move but he holds her tight. He kisses her and undresses her.
“I can’t… I’ve never done it. Please…” she sobs.
“I won’t hurt you… I promise,” he says as he gets on top of her.
Tsitsi feels pain but she can’t fight him; he is stronger than her. After he finishes, he leaves her in pain on the bed and puts his trousers on. She wakes up in blood and her private parts in pain she can’t explain. She quickly removes the sheets to wash off the stain. She changes her underwear. Godfrey comes in.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“I am okay,” she says trying to concentrate.
As soon as Godfrey leaves her, she takes out her phone and sends Eddie a text.
I need help. I’ve been raped
By who
My mother’s boyfriend
Can I come see you
I will come to you
Her mother is back. Tsitsi can smell the meat that she’s frying on the stove. After she finishes cooking. She goes to join them in the kitchen.
“Mama, Uncle Nicholas calls Tsitsi beautiful,” he says.
“Where did you hear that?” she asks shocked.
“This morning… When he took us to school,” he answers.
Nyasha stares at Tsitsi with hatred while holding a knife. She hates it when her boyfriends’ notice someone else instead of her. One day she fought with her friend because he kept looking at her. Then her friend boasted that her boyfriend wanted her instead of Nyasha.
“Girly, don’t you greet?” she asks.
“Good evening Mama,” she says sadly.
“Did Nicholas come in today?” she asks looking at Tsitsi.
“I saw him coming from our bedroom,” Godfrey answers.
“Yes he came,” she answers sadly.
“What are you trying to do?” she shouts.
“What did I do Mama?” she asks trying to hide her tears.
“Nicholas is my boyfriend and you want to steal him. You’re a pathetic girl, I wish you weren’t born,” she hisses.
Tsitsi can’t control her tears and she rushes back to the bedroom. She cries and cannot believe how much her mother has changed ever since she started bringing her boyfriends’ home. She will not believe her if she tells her about what Nicholas did to her. Why does she hate me? She thinks while sitting on the floor crying.
“Tsitsi, Tsitsi!” Nyasha storms in the bedroom.
Tsitsi stands up and wipes her tears. What has made her mother so angry? She sees the hatred in her face. Tsitsi sees her hiding something behind her back. She tries to run but her mother grabs her and hit her with a stick.
“You think you are clever. If it ever happens again, I will kill you,” she says beating her legs with a stick. Tsitsi doesn’t want to make a noise or else her mother will beat her up until she is quiet.
“I want you to stay away from my boyfriend,” Nyasha says while staring in her eyes.
Nyasha’s hands are on Tsitsi’s neck trying to balance her. When she releases her, Tsitsi falls. Nyasha walks away with her stick and leaves Tsitsi sitting down against the wall. She is crying with her hands on her thighs. Eddie sends her a text asking if they could meet later in the neighbourhood. She puts on a jacket and a wool hat then sneaks through the window.
“Call your sister for dinner,” Nyasha says.
Nicholas enters and Godfrey embraces him. He smiles and Nyasha takes the plastics from his hand.
“I am lucky, just in time for dinner,” he says.
“Call your sister,” she says again.
Nicholas looks at Godfrey who’s walking to the bedroom. Nyasha dishes up his food and gives it to him. Nicholas thinks Tsitsi told her mother because of the tension in the house. Godfrey comes back rushing.
“What is it?” Nyasha stares at him.
“Nothing Mama,” he says.
He has seen Tsitsi going out of the window. But he hates it when his mother fights with Tsitsi.
“Eat your food quickly,” Her mother instructs.
“Where is Tsitsi?” Nicholas asked.
“Why are you worried?” she asks.
“She is your child. You should be concerned,” he says.
Nyasha clicks her tongue. Nicholas keeps quiet and Eats his food. After dinner, he helps wash the dishes while Nyasha wipes them dry. Nicholas no longer feels comfortable being in the house.
“Baby, today are you going to do what you promised?” she asks.
Nyasha walks to him, and he leans his back on the cupboard. She kisses him on his lips but he does not respond
“Are you okay?” she asks.
“Uhm…” he answers not knowing what to say, “I forgot to do my assignment.”
He kisses her on the cheek and leaves. Nyasha stands there wondering if it is true. She locks the door and go to sleep.
Tsitsi can feel the pain on her legs as she walks down the street. Her legs are red and swollen. Her skin has bruises. When she sees Eddie, she runs and hugs him.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“He raped me and my mom hates me,” she cries.
“You have to report him to the police,” he says looking at her.
“I can’t, my mother will not believe me,” she wipes the tears from her eyes.
“Go home and sleep. And please if it happens again, call me,” he says then he runs off.
The chirping of the birds and crickets continue. Dogs are barking, a bit far from where she is. She walks slowly, scared and reaches a big rock at the end of the street. She hides and leans her head on the rock to sleep. The night is cold. She rubs her hands against each other and puts them in her jacket. She smiles as a cat meows at her.
“You are just like me. My mother is neglecting me. Her boyfriend raped me. My brother is the apple of my mother’s eye,” she says sadly.
“You can join me if you want.”
The cat warms itself on her legs and she falls asleep.
Tell us: What do you think about her mother’s jealousy?