A warm feeling is felt in the Nyasha household as she prepares her children for school. She is busy making egg sandwiches and packing them in their lunchboxes. Nicholas, her boyfriend, enters.

“Hey, baby. I just came to check up on you,” he says, kissing her on her cheek.

“Hi Nicky,” she says and walks to her bedroom.

Nyasha rents a three roomed house. The kitchen is combined with the dining room. She shares the bedroom with her children, but they sleep on separate beds. Nyasha became a single mother after she separated from her husband, Gamu. She is in her mid-thirties. Although her children don’t like her on and off relationships, she is dating another man.

Tsitsi, Nyasha’s daughter, comes in the room wearing her uniform. Nicholas stares her down while she sits on the sofa. As she is about to pack her schoolbag with her books, she feels a slight slap on her bum. It is Nicholas, he then winks at her with a sly grin. She stares at him with complete hatred in her heart. She then walks away to the bathroom; her mother is unaware of Nicholas’ behaviour.

Nyasha comes out yelling, “You kids are going to be late.”

“I can get them to school,” Nicholas offers.

“Thanks, baby. Drop me off at my salon,” she smiles and embraces him.

Tsitsi doesn’t like any of her mother’s boyfriends. She frowns and walks out with her brother. It’s not like she wants her mother to be alone and unhappy, but she wishes that she finds a good man who will love them.

Nyasha sits in the front seat of the car with Nicholas while her children sit in the backseat. They don’t say a word or laugh as their mother had instructed. Godfrey is busy playing video games.

“Tsitsi, I hope you are doing well in form 3,” he says.

Tsitsi ignores him.

“Tsitsi, why don’t you answer?” her mother hisses, looking at her.

“Baby, it’s okay. She is still getting used to me,” he says calming her down.

Nyasha clicks her tongue and parks the car; she has arrived at her salon. She can pleat, do nails, cut and trim hair. This is how she earns her living and how she is able to look after her two children. She walks to the driver seat.

“Be quick with them. See you later,” She bends her head kissing him on his lips.

Nicholas drives a few kilometres to the school. Tsitsi’s school and Godfrey’s are close to each other. The children come out of the car slowly. He stares at Tsitsi as she closes the door.

“Tsitsi, do you know you are beautiful?” he says in a lower voice.

She tries to walk away but he pulls her while sitting in the car. Godfrey looks and watches him.

“Go Godfrey, I want to give her money so you can share at lunch,” he says.

Godfrey runs to the other boys who are his friends. He thinks it’s not that bad. Nicholas releases Tsitsi’s hand. He hands her a ten dollar bill. She grabs it angrily.

“Thank you,” she runs into the school gates.

Clara who’s been waiting for her smiles when she sees her friend. Other girls are also looking at her, so she pretends she is invisible. It’s embarrassing, especially if no one understands what is going on.

“You are going for a sugar daddy?” she says, calmly.

“No, that’s my mom’s boyfriend,” she answers.

“Your mother is getting some benefits. You should be,” Clara chuckles.

“Let’s get to class,” Tsitsi walks away.

Clara remains still and watches her walk. During their first lesson of Geography Tsitsi can’t stop thinking about what Clara had said. She doesn’t even hear what Mr. Mbudzi is teaching, until he stands in front of her desk.

“Tsitsi, I said what causes a landslide?” he asks, gently.

“Sir? I… It’s…What did you ask?” she asks.

The whole class laughs except Clara. She looks down, embarrassed. Clara covers her face with her hands.

“You aren’t listening. Less than a year is left for you before your final exams,” he says and faces the class.

Mr. Mbudzi is a harsh man. Tsitsi is surprised why he didn’t hit her hands. Everyone in the class fears him. What he says goes.

“I am going to punish you Tsitsi, anyone who does the same gets a heavier detention,” he says and the boys at the back boo.

“Shut up!” he shouts.

The class is quiet and he carries on where he left off with the landslides. Tsitsi tries to concentrate as she thinks about her mother’s boyfriend who seeks her attention. She spends the break in her class studying. After school she rushes home unnoticed; Clara doesn’t even see how she disappears. Tsitsi knows Nicholas wants something from her but what is it? She can’t be like her mother. All she wants is to succeed in her studies. Clara can be a bad influence sometimes.


Tell us: Do you think Tsitsi should listen to her friend or ignore Nicholas attention?