When you realise that you have been praying for the wrong things, God will bless you with other things. We need to pray in a way that pleases God, in a way that builds our faith, and we need to obey him at all times. We need to pray to be holy like him. As humans, we are naturally attracted to sin. Yes, we are, but we need to commit to God who created us. When I was on my death bed, the only thing I craved for was to see God and be holy.

I cried daily, hoping God would hear my cries. I saw his feet in a dream, but I couldn’t look into his face. That’s when I realised that God had answered my prayers. His face shined so bright that my eyes couldn’t look at him because the light was too much. His hand touched my shoulder and assured me that he exists.

The scriptures say, “All things work together for the good of those who love God and who have been called according to His purpose,” so we need to trust God on that. My healing came at the right time. I used to say that it was too late, it was my time, as God had planned. I lost 36kg, now I am 79 kilos’, healthy, strong and fit. That’s one breakthrough that God has given me, which is more valuable than riches. My life is more precious than gold or silver.

My sister and brother, I say to you, wait upon the Lord. It took me 30 years to heal. Paul White-Cain says, “Don’t try to force what doesn’t fit! Trust God for blocking what you wanted or thought should be. It’s a blessing in disguise, for God is bringing into your life something better.”

Now I understand his ways. I don’t see myself in the physical realm anymore but in the spiritual realm. So, I no longer pray for materialistic things anymore. I know one day, God will bless me with what is important to me and what is rightfully mine. He will give me my portion, according to his will.

I see myself as rich and I walk upright, not giving a care what the world sees me as. I am a child of God, a survivor, more than a conqueror, and I am not a victim, but I am a victor.

Through the blood of Jesus, I was healed. And even though my healing took place late, but to God, he has healed me through a breakthrough when I was born. Open your eyes my fellows!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! I am blessed and highly favoured, it is well with my soul!


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