The message I received after being born again and after I was baptised in water, was that a breakthrough was on itsway, and it was through the Holy Spirit. The pastors and ministers preached that, “One day, we are going to prosper and have wealth and riches.”

These include materialistic things, such as cars, houses, businesses and jobs, but they never preached about ‘how to have a breakthrough’ except for us to just believe and have hope.

What is a breakthrough? A breakthrough is a sudden success. To some, it’s a leap forward in life, like an improvement or a revolution. It means the same thing, but people see it differently depending on the breakthrough.

Every Sunday, the pastor would preach about a breakthrough. When he asked for those who want it, a lot of the congregation members in need of prayer would go up and kneel at the altar. A pastor is a servant of God and not God, but we treat him as if he were, for he represents God.

Before I begin my story, I will say that we are all humans, and God blesses us differently and He favours us differently. You may be poor, but maybe that’s what God says is good for you. Be grateful for the breath of life that God has granted us; every day we wake up. Be grateful for what you have and what you don’t have, and understand that it’s what God wants for you.

As someone who was desperate and hungry for earthly things like everyone else, I began to pray for my breakthrough. I had been sick for a long time, ever since I was a baby, and I still visit doctors frequently because I’m very ill. I was infected with cancer by my mother. The doctors said that even though I was a strong child, I would never make it. My parents took me to pastors who prayed for me, and for a while it seemed like I was healed, but when I was 12 I developed a cancer tumour on my hand. It was either I had my hand removed or I wouldn’t survive. My father used all of his savings to pay for the most expensive specialists, but the healing was temporary.

I managed to write normally, and I did a course in Computer Science. I got married, and that tumour came back. My in-laws suggested I see a traditional healer. It worked, but again, it wasn’t a permanent thing. I had two children, and then I divorced. I had a head and back tumour, and this time, I thought I was near death. Finally, I found out that my husband infected me with HIV and that I also transmitted it to my second child. I had also transmitted cancer cells to my second child; he had cancer tumour on his neck.

Being educated and unemployed, I felt like a lost soul with no hope. I remember I used to go to the front a lot to have the pastor lay hands on my head and pray for a breakthrough for me in my life.

There was a time where I didn’t care about money, houses or cars. All I cared about was for my health to improve. I prayed on my knees daily and I cried every moment my knees touched on the ground.

When I was not at home but far away, I attended a few churches there and that’s when I spoke to one pastor, called E.H Kekana. He gave me a lot of encouragement. I wanted to become closer to God. The desire to have earthly things disappeared, and all I wanted was to be healed. I became so sick that everyone who saw me thought I was dying. I needed a breakthrough for my healing.


Tell us: Is it easy not to care about money when you are sick?