I couldn’t believe it was really her. It all felt like a dream, the best dream ever.
“Mhani!” I exclaimed in excitement squeezing her really tight.
“Mihloti,” she said smiling with the one smile I had missed the most.
I couldn’t help but cry; tears of joy. This was the happiest moment of my life. I was as happy as a child given candy. I promised myself at that moment never to take her for granted, to always show her how much I love her.
“What’s wrong, Hloti?” she asked wiping away my tears with tender loving care.
“I missed you, mom,” I said.
“Don’t cry, I’m back now; for good,” she assured me.
“Really mommy?” I asked, “But Ma’Gumede said you weren’t going to be here to mother me.”
“You know her, always has something ‘relationship ruining’ to say,”
“I love you mommy, and I’m sorry to have caused you a heart attack,”
“Me? Heart attack? I suffered head injuries, not a heart attack.” She continued to ask, “Where did you hear…” but then she knew the answer, “Ma’Gumede,” she answered herself.
At least I won’t be labelled motherless anymore, I consoled myself. I had my mom now and I was complete.
“I’m sorry I doubted you, Mihloti,” she said as we sat down.
“I’m sorry I walked out on you mom, I didn’t mean to slam you with the door. I was upset.”
“It’s fine baby, and I promise never to argue on rumours,”
“And I promise never to take you for granted, mom,”
Right then the poison bag fell out.
“Mihloti, you wanted to kill yourself? How can you do that?” she asked picking the bag up.
“I didn’t want to live without you mom, my life was incomplete. And Khombo always teased me that I had lost you, too. It hurt.”
“I’m sorry, but don’t let her win,” she said with an understanding tone.
The next day I went to school with smiles that no-one and nothing could wipe away, not even Khombo.
Then, Ntiyiso walked up to me. I didn’t want to talk him but I did, because I was happy.
“Hey, Mihloti, I wanted to apologise, I don’t know what I was thinking,” he said with a calm tone.
“It’s fine, I overreacted. I’m sorry, too.”
When the tension eased he said, “But, I really do love you, Mihloti.”
The guy had all the qualities a girl could wish for in guy; tall, dark and pretty much handsome with a smile that would sweep girls off their feet. But, me and dating? That wouldn’t do.
“I don’t know what to say, Ntiyiso,”
“It’s fine, don’t say anything. You will answer when your heart and mind is made up,” he said.
And we went our separate ways. It was great, having someone to love me.
When I got home I went to Ma’Gumede and span her a false story. “Ma’Gumede, I’m sorry to be the one to…” I said pulling off an act.
“What is it, Mihloti? You’re scaring me,” she said giving me all her attention.
“It’s Khombo, she was with an old man in a truck,” I said calmly. “I’m sorry.”
“What? My Khombo? With an old man? No ways,” she replied unable to believe me.
“It’s true,” I said waking away.
When Khombo came back, she found her clothes in a black bag used for storing trash.
“Mom, what is this?” she asked.
“Don’t ask me shit, Khombo, get out of my premises!” she shouted.
“But, mom I did nothing,”
“Who’s the homeless trash now, Khombo” I asked.
“Shut up!” she said picking up her bags.
“Oh, and by the way, Ma’Gumede, I was kidding,” I said bursting into laughter.
“You piece of…”
“Now you know how I felt when you lied to my mom,” I said walking to my house.
She got a taste of her own medicine.
Maybe, just maybe I will consider dating Ntiyiso.
The End
Tell us: How is your relationship with your parents?