I dreamt about being rich and successful. Would I be rich? I loved the dream of having a luxurious big home with expensive furniture.
“Cathy, wake up,” Pearl shook me.
I opened my sleepy eyes even though I didn’t want to wake up from my dream.
“Pearl, I am tired,” I moaned.
“We need to talk,” she persisted.
I sighed and woke up.
“What are you going to do with your life?” she asked.
“You are not going to force me to go to school,” I shouted.
“Cathy, where will you get work without school?” she asked concerned.
“I will be rich soon. Please, I need to rest!” I exclaimed.
“You will regret it one day,” she shouted and walked out of my bedroom.
I didn’t even bother thinking about what she had said. I went back to sleep. Pearl just wanted to control my life but I am an adult too, I thought. I took my phone and opened Nancy’s messages to reply to them.
I made R2000 last night.
Wow, you are getting big for your shoes. Are you coming today?
No, I am resting maybe 2moro.
Sharp. Good night then.
I went to the kitchen and made sandwiches and a cup of tea. Pearl sat quietly watching television. She never looked at me but I could see she was furious. I took my food to the bedroom and ate there. I put my cup and plate on the floor and slept.
My life had begun. I bought all kinds of clothes I wished for and expensive perfumes and make-up kits. I spoiled myself, going to salon and spas. I didn’t care who I slept with, as long they paid me. Some of my neighbours called me names like slut, whore and prostitute.
I didn’t care much as long as I was making money. Ma Agnes saw me with a man driving off. She might have seen what I was doing.
The next few weeks I brought clients myself; Nancy didn’t need to anymore. I knew all the tricks in the book. I went to bars because it was safer than waiting in the street. Prostitutes were getting arrested daily.
Pearl didn’t come home for a week as if she had already given up on me. She promised Mom that she would look after me till I grew up.
After a heavy night I had a dream where a man forced me to do anal sex. I woke up sweating and calmed myself down. It was just a dream. I had never met any harsh man. They were always gentle with me. Dreams like this during the day were not good, sometimes someone wants to see you suffering.
I woke up and bathed. I dressed in my purple tight short dress and wore my makeup. Pearl was coming home so I locked the door and put the key under the stone. I grabbed a taxi to town. The bar had less people so I sat alone until a big man with a belly entered. I looked at him then he came straight to where I sat.
“I need a woman,” he said.
“A night or round?” I asked patiently.
“How much?” he asks.
“R1000 for the night,” I replied.
“Come let’s go,” he said gently.
I followed him to his car. He wasn’t like all the other men who opened doors for a lady. I sat and closed the door. He took me to a lodge. It looked like an old building; its walls were cracked and the paint faded.
I could see through the dark. It was outside Harare about 20 km. He opened the door. There was a bed and it was not the nice and comfy ones. A sink was at the corner and the bed had old blankets and the curtains were torn. He started to undress me roughly.
“Can’t we do it gently?” I asked.
“No,” he was on top of me.
He was rough. It was painful. I felt uncomfortable and wondered if I should tell him. What if he will not pay me? I stayed calm while he kissed my neck, he smelt of alcohol. I still remained calm. He turned my body so I faced the bed and engaged in anal sex. I began to cry, and tried to fight but he held me strongly.
“Please stop, I am in pain,” I cried out.
“Shut up, I am paying you,” he hissed.
He went on for 45 minutes. My private parts hurt. I bled. Blood stains were all over the bed. I stayed awake so I could run away. I dressed quickly and quietly. I searched his pocket and took R1000 and left. A few taxis were still operating, I managed to board quickly and I arrived home at 4 a.m. The door was not locked so Pearl was home. I locked it and went to shower. I noticed my panties had blood stains. Water relieved my body.
I got into bed and cried. This was not going well. I always prayed not to meet these kinds of men as he. I finally fell asleep.
Tell us what you think: Do you think Cathy should open a case against the man?