Nancy became a prostitute a year after she failed. We had met at high school. We became friends when I was in form 1. I liked her spirit; she didn’t allow anything to bring her down. Nancy was a proud and generous person. She once helped me when I was short of cash.

Nancy gave me a short dress that covered just my bums.

“Ooooh that’s so short,” I said looking at it carefully.

“It’s the best,” Nancy said.

I had to agree because I liked Nancy and she wouldn’t let me slip into bad situations. She always had good advice.

I went home and pretended I was home so I could sneak into my bossy sister. I cooked dinner and had some and went straight to my bedroom.

“Cathy, Cathy,” Pearl entered my room. I was sitting, pretending to be reading. “How was school?” she asked.

“Good,” I answered with my face in the book.

“Let me not disturb you. I am going to sleep at my boyfriend’s,” she said, leaving.

My heart raced with joy; now I can do what I want without being scolded. I bathed and dressed into the short black dress. I looked sexy, no man will resist me today and I will have cash, I thought.

I stared at the mirror in my bedroom. I looked sexy, elegant and gorgeous.

I met with Nancy and Mavis at the bar in town. They were sitting with older men, maybe twice their age. I didn’t like the idea of sleeping with men who are old enough to be our father but I had no choice.

“Oh sweet, come sit here,” Nancy pulled me to sit.

A man who wore a dark blue suit was inhaling a cigarette. His eyes looked rough and he looked strong with a big body. He didn’t smile, he just looked at me. I saw a little smile on his face.

“This is for you,” she said to the man who nodded and didn’t talk.

He pulled me and kissed my neck. He whispers, “Let’s get down to business.”

He grabbed my hand walked with me. He put me in his car and drove a few kilometres to a B&B lodge. He didn’t smile. He looked strange. What if he forces me to do something I don’t want? I thought in panic.

I didn’t want to be forced but do it gently. I was wondering if he would hurt me because I didn’t have experience. I didn’t know whether to refuse or accept. I needed the money so I had no choice but to agree.

He booked the room for us.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“Cathy,” I answered shyly.

“I like you, hope you can make me happy,” he said gently.

He was gentle towards me and never forced me to do anything. He even wore a condom. I thought I was falling for him but I couldn’t. This was all work. How could I fall in love with a man old enough to be my father? The aim was to get money not fall in love.

The next morning he paid R1500.

“You are certainly good, hope we meet again,” he said softly.

I was still sleepy. It was 5:30 a.m.

“Here is my number, give me yours. I will need you in the future,” he smiled.

I wrote my number on a paper and he put it in his wallet.

I took the card with his number. He left me inside the blankets. I checked the card and he was a manager at Noc Comp. I screamed loudly because I had just passed my first time test. It seemed easy. Hope I will survive prostitution even though Mavis is waiting for me to fall, I thought smiling.


Tell us what you think: Do you think Cathy understands what she’s getting into?