Even after three days, Frank avoided being with his friends at night because of the full moon. His father hadn’t been home for a whole week, and he had notified him that he would be staying longer in the Maldives for business. Because of him avoiding his friends, Frank missed Edmund’s party, who was a well-known rich boy in their class.

Ruby wasn’t happy that Frank had decided not to go to the party, but when she finally accepted his decision, she sent him pictures of the rolling balls at the party and some of the crowd dancing. But Frank didn’t see the pictures until later that night because he was busy in the bush looking for raw meat to devour. He noticed that, as soon as the full moon appeared, he changed into a werewolf. He would then return home as soon as the sun brought back the light and his body changed back to its human form.


“I’m seeing the priest today,” Frank said confidently to Ruby when they finally met again.

Ruby was paralysed for a while, and her happiness sipped away. “Are the dreams back?” she asked, sounding concerned.

Frank didn’t want to tell her, but it babbled out on its own. “No … Yes … I mean, I need to see him. He said … he said I should come back,” Frank responded in a shaky voice. His blood was rushing, and his hair raising up.

“I’ll go with you,” Ruby said happily.

“No, it’s not safe, I’ll go alone,” Frank protested.

“But babe …” Ruby contested. Her jaw hung in the air, and shock held her paralysed and speechless.

“You’re not safe in that church. What if the wolf comes back again?” Frank said, pretending that he cared about her, but that was not the reason he did not want her to be there.

“Okay … I just get worried about you. What if something happens to you?” Ruby said, feeling comforted by Frank’s hands around her waist.

“I’ll be safe! I promise!” Frank responded, twisting his two fingers as if he was making a promise. He gave her his contagious grin, and she smiled involuntary and laughed when she felt his arm again.

After a while, Frank kissed Ruby’s forehead as they reached her home. He looked at the sky, and even though it was going to be dark, he knew that it was going to be a moonless night. He smiled as he strolled down the street to the church, but he didn’t know that Ruby had hid behind the tree instead of going inside her house. She then followed him from a distance, and she was hidden from him by the darkness of the dusk. She was suspicious of what she had seen at the church.

Before entering the church, Frank looked behind him and saw that there were a lot more people there than there were the last time he had visited. He entered the church, and after going in, he went to the cabinet, which was open. The window had no curtain that time, and he felt nervous and started shaking.

“Father,” Frank said in a low voice. He heard a door squeaking open and saw the curtain closing, but he didn’t see anyone.

“You are back again,” a voice answered. “I know why you’re here,” the voice continued.

Frank felt puzzled by the statement, but remained silent.

“You must look for where you originate from. That’s where you’ll get help from,” the voice said calmly.

Frank was confused by what the man was saying, and he wondered what he meant. He was dumbfounded, and his heart pounded because he thought the priest would call the police on him. He was a danger a society. A monster!

“Have you ever seen a man calling you in the bush? He’s your father,” the voice continued calmly.

“I don’t understand,” Frank muttered between rolling his eyes.

“Go home and try to find that man,” the voice shouted.

On hearing the priest shout, Frank felt shocked, and his heart wanted to pop out of his chest. He jumped from the seat while holding his chest, and his heart was palpating. Hurt and a feeling of hollowness crept in his heart as he wandered what was happening.

“Get out,” the voice shouted.

When the priest was done, Frank opened the door harshly and bumped into Ruby standing near the cabinet as if she was eavesdropping him.


Tell us: Do you think Frank will ever find out the truth about what is happening to him?