Daniella trembles with fear when she realises that she has been caught red-handed. Game over.  Surely, she has lost Chris for good. This time around, he won’t forgive her. “I am sorry, Mary,” she says in a low voice, ashamed.

“Can someone explain to me what is happening here?” Chris shouts.

“She is the one who has been sending me those weird and creepy text messages,” Mary snaps, wanting to beat Dee but Chris holds her tight.

“What! Dee, how could you? When did you become so evil, huh!” Chris looks at Daniella. She could see the disappointment in his ocean eyes, and she looks down in shame.

“Babe, let’s get out of this hell.” Chris holds Mary’s right hand, and they head to his car. 

Daniella bursts out crying. She picks up her phone and calls her mother.

“Hello, baby,” her mother says.

“I have messed up so bad, mom,” she sobs.

“What did you do?” 

“I have messed up my friendship with Chris,” she says, sniffing. She tells her mother everything that has happened and what she has done.

“That doesn’t sound like something my own daughter would do. You need to fix this tomorrow. Otherwise, you will live with regrets for the rest of your life,” her mother says, giving her words of wisdom. “You have to try to make things right with Chris and Mary.”

Daniella drives to Chris’s apartment and parks her car in the parking lot. She is nervous and terrified. She takes a deep breath before getting out of the car and walking to the front door of the apartment. She knocks gently on the door and hears footsteps approaching the door. The door swings open, “Oh!” Chris blinks, then runs his hand down his face. “I thought it was the delivery guy for pizza.” 

“Is Mary home? I want to talk to both of you,” Daniella says nervously.

“I don’t know, Dee; after everything that has happened, I don’t think that is a good idea.”

“I come in peace.” She raises her hands, “I just want to apologise for real this time.” 

“Okay, come in,” Chris let her in and shut the door behind her. 

They go to the living room, where they find Mary watching TV.

“Hi,” Daniella greets Mary and sits on the brown leather couch.

 “Hi,” Mary says.  

“I wanted to apologise, and this time it is genuine.” She takes a huge breath. “The thing is, I was jealous that you two were spending a lot of time together. I felt like, well, Mary, you have replaced me in Chris’s life. He doesn’t eat breakfast with me anymore, and he has lunch with you almost every day.”

She lowers her gaze to the floor. “I thought of a plan to break you up, and that was wrong. I am sorry I should have been happy for you guys instead of being jealous and sabotaging your relationship.

“Really!” Mary burst out laughing. 

Daniella winces. It really was game over. 

“You know that is not entirely true right?”

Daniella swallows hard. “No, honestly, I am trying to apologise.” 

Mary waves Daniella’s words away and turns to Chris. “When will you tell her?” 

Daniella wishes the floor would just swallow her whole. “Listen, I should get––“

“No,” Mary laughs. “That’s not what I mean.” 

Daniella shakes her head. “What do you mean?”

“Chris, I think we have a confession to make,” Mary says, giving the man a wink.