Everyone at home knew I was in love with Tiki. My longing to be in his arms will soon be fulfilled, I thought to myself. January came too soon. I had to wait until the holidays were over because then the buses would be cheaper to go to Joburg from Harare. I brought mealies and nuts for Tiki; he had asked me to bring him something from home.

“Please pick me up, I am already on my way,” I persuaded Tiki.

“Don’t worry, I will be there waiting for you,” he said on the other line.
I sat in the bus, longing to be with my baby, Tiki. It took hours. I left Harare at 11 a.m. and I arrived at 6 a.m. the next morning at the Powerhouse. It was a few metres to the Park Station. I walked past it because it was my first time to be in Joburg.

A boy who wore faded jeans tried to help me carry my luggage. He spoke in a language I never heard before, maybe he wanted to take me to where I was going. I gave him some money. I had a monarch and a handbag. I pulled it closer, a lot of people had warned me about thieves in Joburg and not to ask for directions from strangers. I saw a policeman and asked him where Park Station was.

“That building, my dear,” he said pointing at the building which was only 30 feet away.

I walked down and saw it was where people got their buses from. There were benches to sit on. I saw an empty bench and sat. I looked around saw the names of buses at the counters where passengers pay.

I texted Tiki. When are you coming?

I am coming baby, wait until 8 a.m.

I am hungry. I replied.

Buy something to eat baby, please.

I brought a coffee and some buns and ate while my eyes strolled the whole place.

People with luggage were rushing as soon as a bus came and a microphone would notify them. I kept holding my handbag because I was afraid of getting it snatched. I looked at the watch; I was too tired to watch people. It was now 8:35 a.m. and still Tiki had not arrived. Then my cell phone rang. It was him.

“Do you see me?” he said.

I looked around and found him standing there wearing a cap. He looked changed. I grabbed my handbag and monarch and walked to him smiling.

I walked towards where Tiki stood. He was standing at the back of the bench, some white people sat on it. He put his phone in his pocket. I expected him to hug and kiss me. Instead, he took my monarch and he walked, and I followed.

“I thought you were going to stand me up,” I said quietly.
“Did you think I would have lied to you?” he said.

He asked the rank marshal about a taxi to Germiston. He pointed to a big bus. We went inside and he asked me to sit behind him. I nearly fell as I tried to get in the taxi.

“Ouch, sorry,” he spoke quietly.

I felt embarrassed on my first day meeting him in Joburg. He kept looking at me; I looked at my phone. I began to feel embarrassed more. We arrived at a place that looked like a town. He told me that we were getting out. He walked so fast. I was moving slowly; I was exhausted. First, he pulled my hand, and I pulled it back.

“Why are you abusing me?” I cried out.

“I am tired baby,” he said.

We grabbed another taxi, and I got out when I saw a mall. He began to walk slowly. He pointed to the house that he stayed in. He gave me the keys and I unlocked the gate. I entered and we walked into the house. We entered through the kitchen. The house was being shared; maybe it was a seven-room house.

Tiki opened the door which was down the passage in the house. I sat on the bed. He saw I had mealies and nuts. He took them out and cooked them. Tiki fried eggs and put bread on a plate. He gave me the food with Fanta grape. I wasn’t hungry, I needed a bath and sleep too.

“Eat so you can take a bath,” he said.

I ate only two slices. You know what the stomach does when you keep eating cold food. I wanted a cup of tea, but I never told Tiki.

“Let’s go, and you can take a bath,” he said standing up.

I grabbed my towel and toiletry bag. He stood and looked at me; then I decided I had to chase him away. It was our first time together; he couldn’t see me naked. He chuckled and left. He was watching TV lying on the bed when I got back. I wore a purple dress top and leggings.

“Why are you wearing that?” he asked.

He pulled my leggings down. I laid on the bed, and he went on top of me. This is how I became intimate with Tiki. I lay asleep while he looked at me. I woke up to see his eyes. Suddenly the door opened and a guy entered. He spoke in a language that I didn’t understand. Tiki went out quickly with the guy. I sat and watched television. A few minutes he came back and jumped on the bed and came on top of me again.


Tell us: Do you think this relationship will work?