“I have to leave soon because there is a curfew at home,” Lisa said.

Mfana looked into her eyes and took a deep breath. “I know we just met today but it’s enough for me to know that I love you, Lisa” he confessed, trembling.

She looked at him with a beautiful smile then looked down. “Me too,” she said. Mfana’s face lit up and his eyes popped out.

“Do you mean you love me too?”

She took time to respond and Mfana was shaking even more, biting his nails.

“Yes, that’s what I mean. I love you too, Mfana!” Mfana felt butterflies in his stomach, and his heart was dancing.

“Can I kiss you?” he asked, and she nodded yes.

He came closer, lifted her chin, and kissed her. They then said their goodbyes and walked away. They kept looking back at each other and smiling.

They would often text each other as they could not meet from Monday to Thursday because Mfana only visited Makhosi for weekends. Friday would soon become the best day of their lives, and they would count down the days and hours before they could meet.

Lisa was unhappy when it was time for Mfana to leave. “Please stay at your grandparent’s place so that we can see each other often,” Lisa would beg him, but that was not possible due to school. She would sometimes walk Mfana to the taxi rank as he went home, and the look on her face made it seem like she was never going to see Mfana again.

As time went by, and their love for each other grew stronger, Lisa would not even wait for Mfana to confirm if they could meet. She would just walk to his house and start yelling his name from outside, and he would smile and rush outside upon hearing her voice. Lisa would even want to see him twice in one day and say, “I just wanted to be with you,” when asked if there was something wrong.

This assured him that she truly loved him. She preferred telling Mfana things in person to using her phone. She would go to tell him when she had an occasion and report to him when she was back. Even if it meant she had to wake him up early in the morning!


Tell us: What are your thoughts about Mfana and Lisa so far?