Our old body will die and resurrect to new bodies when we give our life to Christ. When he grew up, he had knowledge and wisdom, even the priests at the Temple of God were amazed. They talked and answered questions that Jesus asked.
When we become new creatures, we must be full of wisdom and knowledge like Jesus. God spoke from the clouds that Jesus was his own dear Son, and whom he was pleased about. Our behaviour needs to please God. When he was tempted, Jesus quoted the scriptures, even when he was hungry, he did not turn stones into bread.
Temptations come to you when you are in a situation and you’re ready to give up. But Jesus showed us what to do, he showed us an example that the word of God works in our life. No matter what situation you are in, just quote the scriptures, and in that way we can defeat the devil.
Jesus had disciples, and there were twelve of them. These were the chosen ones, but there were others whom he made disciples even though they are not written in the scriptures. He gave them teachings and showed them examples of what to do when he goes back to heaven. He taught them, and he healed the sick. A large crowd began to follow him wherever he went. He taught the abilities of God’s children. He wanted everyone to live a holy life, even though we are sinful and easily tempted. He told them to have these abilities: self-control, love, patience, anger management, who can judge and refuse to allow revenge to be a part of our life.
He encouraged people to put their hope in God and to cast our burdens upon to him. He also taught us about how to pray, fasting and how to live our lives in the land of evil. He gave instructions on adultery, charity, laws and about where to place our riches. He reminded us to ask and it will be given, knock and the door will be open. Matthew 7 verse 7.
Many people are busy asking for earthly possessions, not knowing that they can be affected by weather or living conditions. That is why he taught people not to rely on possessions because they can easily be destroyed, unlike God’s word that remains true forever. Be like Jesus, who made disciples out of ordinary men; Jesus, who taught the Word of God to the poor people in spirit; Jesus, who healed the sick and gave life to the dead.
When the disciples were in a ship, which was in the river, a sudden storm came while Jesus was sleeping. They cried out that they were about to die, but Jesus woke up and calmed the storm down. The disciples now could see that even the storm obeys him, but Jesus was hurt because of their little faith. He gave us an example in this incident that, no matter what storm we face, we just have to keep our faith and hope in God.
We must struggle to go on in the narrow way, which is the hardest because of the temptations we face, we must overcome. Remember that the Devil was defeated through the blood of Jesus. The wide gate is open to many but it has an easy way that leads to destruction. We can never enter the house of the lord when we call the Lord by name, unless we do the will of God.
He told the disciples and the crowd not to fear anyone made by God but Fear only him, the one and only Creator. God can destroy both the soul and the spirit. He also warned us of persecution, but trust in God and a greater reward will be waiting for you, for Jesus came to bring a sword and not peace. A father will be against a son, and a mother will be against a daughter. He gave us the warning when the time would come to an end.
Tell us: When do you think the end will be?