“I… I… Lisa… I…” Lindsay was tongue tied. She couldn’t even swallow. Her mouth was dry.

This was Annie’s ultimate revenge. It had worked. She had destroyed them badly. Lindsay knew Annie was capable of anything but this? She felt like dying.

“Was this a trick Lindsay? How did this happen?” Lisa was still shocked.

“Oh God I’m dead. I’ll be grounded for life. How could Annie be so evil?” Katie was screaming now.

“How did this happen, Lindsay?” Lisa wanted some answers from her little sister.

“Lindsay, say something!” screamed Katie as she shook Lindsay.

Lindsay was a ghost; showing no emotion whatsoever. She couldn’t hear anything, except her heartbeat. She grabbed her pyjama top and it was drenched in tears. Sophia had warned her and she didn’t want to listen. She remembered Brian’s words from that phone call, “Be careful of Annie Lindsay… she has a hidden agenda against you and Katie,” but it wasn’t hidden anymore. They had entered her territory and did as they pleased and now she had avenged herself.

“I thought you girls were still virgins,” Lisa was now off the bed and pacing. “I’m twenty-seven years old and I’m still a virgin. And here you are, only seventeen years old and you have… a porn video!”

At the moment, Lisa’s phone rang. Her heart almost jumped out of her throat when she saw the caller ID. She contemplated answering it or letting it ring. She picked it up, no use avoiding the inevitable. And before she could even place it on her ear, her mother was already screaming on the other side.

“How could you let them do this? Is this what you’re also doing? Lisa, is this how I raised you?” the questions couldn’t be answered as her mother was not waiting for any responses.

Annelie had sent it to her also! To both their parents. This was beyond bad.

It was 4 am and her mother must have also been woken by the disgusting video.

“I trusted you! Clearly you’re not old enough to look after your sister Lisa. I want Lindsay on the first bus back! You hear me!?” then the line went dead.

Lisa sank to the floor and cried her heart out. She felt like a failure as she had failed her mother who had just screamed at her over the phone.

Lindsay had so many thoughts that she couldn’t breathe. She went into a panic attack and fainted.

She woke up in Brian’s arms. She looked around and saw Lisa and Katie, both of their faces were tear stained. She was quickly brought back to reality. She cried once more. Brian tried to comfort her by telling her that Annie was going to pay.

“It’s no use. I’m going back home anyway,” she cried.

Brian was hurt but nothing was to be done. The other friends heard about what happened and came to bid their farewell to the girls. Annie came to apologies but justified her vengeance by saying that the girls had pushed her. The girls got on the bus and went back home. And it all ended, just like that!

The girls returned home to their old school. Lindsay didn’t ask what her mother must’ve said to the principal to get her in. But she was grateful. Their families were disappointed and they were kept away from each other and on a tight leash under a close eye.

The End


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