She’s running late. She’s always late.

“God bless the poor boy’s patience,” she says, while ironing her clothes.

He’s already in town and she’s still not dressed. He calls her and asks if he should wait for her so that they can take a taxi together to Summerstrand.

She declines most politely. “I don’t want you to panic,” she says, “you go ahead, I’ll meet you in Summers.” Now she’s running around the house like a child who just got admitted to preschool, excited and nervous at the same time. “I have to take two taxis and I’m not even dressed up,” she says, starting to feel stressed. She dresses up quickly, brushes her weave and puts it on.

Meanwhile, her mother and sister are looking at her asking themselves why she is so relaxed when she knows she has somewhere to go. They have no idea that she’s going on a date: for someone who bathed and sat in her morning gown the whole day, it was unexpected. Her mother, Zukiswa, probably thinks she’s preparing to sort out her university residence issues, while her sister, Noluntu, suspects something. She knows her sister like the back of her hand. Noluntu barges into her room while she’s busy with her make-up.

“Where are you off to? Huh?”

She laughs and ends up telling her.

“You’ll tell me everything when you get back, right?” Noluntu smiles and helps her sister with her make-up.

“Of course, little sister,” she smiles.

“Now, quickly, finish!” Noluntu commands, “You don’t wanna be late on your first date.”

“Alright, alright.” She puts everything she’ll need in her bag.


Tell us: Have you ever been on a first date, how did it go?