Thabo was ready to leave. It was only a quarter to 5, Cici wasn’t back. He had written a letter telling her that he was leaving. He placed it on the pillow. He looked around again in the house while standing on the door. He smiled and felt happy that he was going to Joburg.
He walked fast to the taxi rank, a man asked where he is going.
“Do you have ticket? he asked.
“Yes,” he answered and pulled his passport and showed the man the ticket.
“That’s your taxi, over there,” he pointed to a red quantum.
Thabo went inside. Only two passengers weren’t there. He sat in the front row, a beautiful woman sat on his right side close to him.
He looked at her slightly, she smiled and looked at her smartphone. Within a minute the taxi was full. A woman came and introduced the driver and asked someone to pray for protection on the journey.
“Greet the person next you. All with problems with their passports must talk to driver before they reach border, please,” she said and closed the door.
Thabo greeted all who sat next to him, then he greeted the woman who stole his heart.
“I am Thabo, and you?” he said sincerely.
“I am Adishal,” she answered typing on her phone.
“Nice name,” he said looking at her.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“I am visiting my sister,” she smiled.
“I work in Joburg but come home for visits,” he said.
The taxi started to move slowly after some people had talked to the driver about their passports.
“So you are making money,” she said sliding her phone in bag.
“Not that much,” he said.
“I wish someone could show me Joburg,” she said and pulled her legs in which were close to Thabo’s.
“That’s easy peasy. I can do it,” he chuckled.
“You seem a nice person,” she smiled.
“Only to a beautiful lady like you,” he stared at her.
His phone beeped and he checked it. It was Cici. He put it on silent. He looked at Adishal, she was the kind of woman he liked. He wanted to explore with her.
“So you saying you like me?” she asked.
“Yea, maybe what I can say is… I want to date you,” he said shyly.
“I did want to try,” she said holding his hand.
Thabo can’t believe his trick worked with Adishal. He is attracted to her. He feels light-headed, happy and woozy all at the same time. The same feeling happened with every woman he dated. Now all he could think about is her. He craved to hold her body close. After a few hours the bus stopped at a restaurant. They stood at the back of the taxi kissing. It’s night and nobody would see them.
“You are a charmer,” she said chuckling.
“Really? I just wish we had reached our destination,” he said checking his watch.
“We will. Do you stay alone?” she asked. Then the bell of the taxi rang.
It was time to get back. They sat closer again. People couldn’t see what was happening. Maybe they thought they weren’t strangers at all. With all that they were doing it seemed like they had been lovers all the time. Adishal laid her head on Thabo’s shoulder and slept. His hunger for food disappeared. He drank a bottle of juice while Adishal slept peacefully.
He nearly jumped when Adishal’s hands started rubbing his shoulder.
She woke up at 2am when her phone beeped. She looked at Thabo who was sleeping, his head lay on the seat. She shook him then her phone beeped again. It was her sister.
“Fumi, we still haven’t reach border. I think we are close,” she said in a low voice.
“Ok, when you arrive at Park station let me know,” her sister said and dropped the call.
Thabo woke up and stretched his hands and legs. He smiled when he saw Adishal’s eyes.
“I love you,” he whispered.
She came closer and kissed him. Everyone in the taxi was sleeping except the driver who was playing the radio. They kept kissing and touching each other until a big light engulfed the whole taxi. They stopped kissing, they felt as if they were two kids caught stealing sugar. Everyone woke up. Thabo looked through the window. He could see the taxi was in Bietbridge. There were just a few kilometers from the border.
When the taxi parked, everyone went to get their passports except for those who has problems. They gave the driver their passports and he took them inside. Thabo held Adishal outside waiting for the driver to pay for the gate pass.
It only took an hour to be served at the South African side. The taxi was going to stop at a One-stop in Musina. After they bought something to eat, the taxi was on it’s way again.
Thabo and Adishal looked out the window and watched the sun rising while the taxi drove off.
Tell us what you think: Will Adishal and Thabo continue to see one another, even though he has other ‘side chicks’?