Samkelo woke up and went to check up on Siphe. He knocked repeatedly on her door but there was no answer. He went to see if maybe she was in the living room or kitchen. He was welcomed by the fresh smell of coffee. Something was cooking, leaving its oily smell in the air. His stomach started grumbling.
“Is she trying to tempt me to win her heart? If her dad sent her here, they must forget about that! I’m not even going to taste her food, as much as I am hungry.”
Samkelo thought, approaching the kitchen.
“Good morning, boss,” the helper said.
“Oh, it’s you? Good morning Sophia,” Samkelo greeted back.
“Were you looking for someone else?” Sophia asked.
“Yes. There was a lady who was in one of the guest rooms. Did you by any chance see her?” Samkelo asked.
“Nope!” Sophia gave a quick answer and carried on with her work.
Samkelo went back to the guest room, intending to actually get in and wake Siphe up.
In the kitchen, Sophia’s whole body was shaking from fear and guilt. “What if the boss finds out I just helped that girl escape? Oh, poor little girl,” Sophie thought to herself.
Samkelo ran out of Siphe’s room and quickly grabbed his car keys. He was on the phone, deploying people to find Siphe.
Sophia did not utter a word or look into his eyes. She was just praying that the desperate girl would get the protection she needed.
The wheels screeched outside and Samkelo was on the road. His men were on the road. Their leverage was on the move.
Siphe was panting down the road. Running. Looking back. Hiding behind trees along the road. Sweating. She was losing her mind and her breath too! How could her new year’s resolution bring her to such a mess? Would she be able to go back home safe?
“If I make it out alive, my family will get the tale. For now, I will fight for my life and not worry them. And my dad has a lot of explaining to do!’ she thought to herself while catching her breath.
“Scre-e-e-ach!” The wheels scratched the tar road on a T-junction a few meters away from her. Her heart almost fell out of her chest, and she swiftly jumped to hide behind a tree. She believed that she was drawing her last breath. But thanks to her brown dress, she camouflaged well with the trees. The range rover sped down the road.
But now, she did not know whether to continue down the road to where it disappeared or to go back up to where it came from.