And I had fully committed and accepted Jesus in my heart and mind. And of course I had already been baptised when I was young. After that the pastor looked at my eyes and said, “I know you young youth sin, and you can never be perfect, especially as young as you are Grace, but always repent in your prayers.”

I felt the harmony. I felt as if God was there and happy for me. I felt as if he was there and smiling because after all that, and after all those amazing words, I felt a smile forcing itself out of me. I felt the applause again by the church, followers of God.

On my way out I had nothing to say. My friends were dwelling about what had happened and saying words like “Awe prophet, eish so now you are going to predict what’s going to happen to us?”

I was the joke of the day while some were happy for me. I got to be amused both ways.

“So there will be no more gals, Lubabalo?” Siphokuhle asked.

I told him that of course I had changed my life, now the only thing I sought was God himself so I would be more of a spiritual person. And I pleaded with them to try and get along with the new me.

After I had just been told that I must expect dreams, they did occur. But those dreams were self-healing while also they showed me a sign of something that was to happen in years to come. God only shows signs. I dreamt of being in a world which I didn’t know. I was with my friends and we were having fun, but suddenly I felt like something had interrupted us because I was now alone. I felt dew that came down from the mountains and flooding that wiped out every one. My dreams always included the ocean and death. I don’t know how but I always survived while my loved ones died in those dreams.

Another dream I had, I was at the beach. Of course it was fun but then a strong destruction of vibration occurred that scared everybody. At that moment I was at the top bridge staring at everybody having fun, but I decided to leave because I felt a premonition. When I decided to leave the beach it was too late.

In a few minutes’ time after I left I saw a huge speed of water that caught up to me and splashed me hard. In my heart, though I was dreaming, I knew that everybody was dead who was at the ocean with me. But I also drowned but never died. The ocean was big and it left me naked at the bridge that was also destroyed. I could see the house lights from far, those houses hadn’t experienced this, they were still lucky.

And then I woke up after Mr Libala had prayed for me. After my prophesying gift was released I began seeing all these, I began to experience these dreams. But I didn’t know what they meant until I consulted an adult about it. It was a message, those signs, the ocean.

In a whispering voice God told me that I needed to pray for the people, for their sins were above forgiveness or else they would totally end up in hell. I was attacked by the evil one not to release this message so that people didn’t change but carry on with sinning. Many things had happened and many prophets had fallen but a message must be passed.

I was very scared at first to approach people and tell them but I got used to it. I was told that people needed to give themselves to salvation prayer and be born again; it’s a chance God’s giving us because he loves us.

I will carry my duty and prophecy and help more people though it was hard to reach this level. My job here is not done but I must move on. I am Grace the prophet.


Tell us what you think: What encouragement would you give Lubabalo to keep fighting?