Three years ago:

Mr Mthombeni was a leader of the secret service that had just came back from the DRC where they had gone to uncover and expose the gruesome and unfair injustice by the democratic government officials. After so many successful cases and missions, he had decided to retire. He was 38 years when he decided to retire and by then his 20-year-old daughter, Linda Mthombeni, who worked in the army was to take over and continue with the secret service.


Linda woke up in a small room. She was in so much pain and all alone. She wondered how she got there. The last thing she remembered was being involved in a car crush. What she did not know was that it was now two days since the crash. She tried to stand up from the bed but she could not.

“You need to get enough rest. You have a few bruises and fractured bones and you need to heal before you can get back to your usual self,” a male voice said.

Linda turned around and there was a man standing. The man walked over to her and handed her a cup to drink. It had weird liquid inside.
“Those are herbs to help you recover faster, little girl,” the man explained.

Linda stared at the man as if she had just seen a ghost. It was Mr Ntini.

“How did I get here?” Linda eagerly asked.

“I heard a loud sound and I rushed out to the road and that is when I saw a car laying with its wheels turning upside down. When I moved closer I saw you inside and I pulled you out. You were unconscious and so I carried you over to my house,” Mr Ntini explained.

“What happened to my belongings?” Linda asked out of curiosity.

“As soon as I pulled you out, the car exploded. Nothing was left after the fire. I’m sorry,” Mr Ntini said.

Linda reached for the cup and slowly drank. After a few minutes she dozed off.

The following day, Linda walked out of the room and found Mr Ntini making some food. She watched him for a while then looked around for any object strong enough to strike him but she found none.

“Oh you are awake, I was preparing breakfast,” Mr Ntini said.

“Who are you and why did you help me?” Linda asked.

“I am Mr Ntini. Themba Ntini, and I did what any other human being would have done and that is saving you. Is there something wrong?” Mr Ntini asked

“I’m Linda, Linda Mthombeni. The daughter of Philani Mthombeni. The one you murdered!” Linda said aggressively.


Tell us: What do you think will happen next?