The news of Lovemore’s arrest had travelled the whole village. All his victims were happy, except for Melody and Martha, after a woman went to their home to tell them.
“My daughter reported him because he was infecting our children with his sickness,” the old woman said angrily.
“He is my son,” Melody responded sadly in protest.
“Mama, you say Lovemore is infecting what?” Martha asked the poor old woman, and then touched her shoulder.
“My daughter is HIV+. He is the one who infected her. Every woman he slept with is HIV+,” the woman responded with a shaky voice.
Martha threw her hand on her face in disgrace. The disgrace she had was with her brother.
“Why did your daughter open her legs? Did my son rape her?” Melody shouted, throwing her hands in the air.
“I hope he stays in jail where he belongs,” the old woman said, and then she clicked her tongue, grabbed the walking stick on the floor, and walked towards the door. “Why do you side with that imbecile foolish son? He is a disgrace. He is also a rapist,” she hissed, taking a deep breath in between and shaking her head in disbelief. She then rushed away, but Gerald met her and entered the kitchen.
“Mama, Lovemore also wronged,” Martha said, turning to her mother and not noticing her father.
“He is a disgrace, your son. Now he is arrested,” Gerald said in agreement.
“You just hate him, but he is your son,” Melody said, storming out of the kitchen.
Gerald scratched his head as if he was thinking, while Martha gave him a handshake and clapped her hands in agreement. They then remained quiet for a moment. Gerald had a lot of weight on his shoulder, and he was not finding solutions.
“I need to speak to him. I will pay him a visit tomorrow,” Gerald said, gasping and rubbing his chin softly.
Melody nodded in agreement, but they did not notice Martha watching them from a corner. “His bail is tomorrow,” she muttered, drawing attention to her.
Gerald jumped quickly in shock and strolled to the door. “How much?” he asked, turning and pointing with his finger as if he was thinking of something.
“Baba, I don’t know,” Martha responded, and then she sat on the floor near her mother in worry. Their minds were at crossroads.
Tell us: What do you think should happen to Lovemore?