“You and Nomatter aren’t friends, so why should I see her? I am not seeing her,” Shamiso’s mother said while angrily walking to her room. She wasn’t disapproving Shimiso’s friendship with her sister, though, she just didn’t want her to know she was dying. She knew the second opinion would say the same thing, and that, just like her doctor had told her, her days were numbered. “I already have a doctor,” she added before disappearing into her room.
After Shamiso’s mother disappeared into her room, Shamiso and Mike gave each other confused stares. Shamiso’s face looked both worried and sad, and she had tears itching in her eyes. She dabbed her noise with a tissue and swallowed. Mike didn’t like it a bit, mainly because he hoped Shamiso wouldn’t stop the wedding. He held her hands and embraced her, and as he did that, a message popped on Mike’s phone.
“Lobola negotiations went well.”
Mike was all smiles when he saw the message, but Shamiso was still looking in the direction her mother went. He rubbed her shoulders and kissed her forehead. “Just let her be,” he whispered to her.
But Shamiso couldn’t do it, though. All she wanted was her mother to be well on her wedding day. The coughing was serious, but she never saw her mother coughing blood because she always covered it up and discard her tissues in the bathroom. “I just want …” she began, but just as she was about to continue, she started hyperventilating and losing her footing.
When Mike realised what was happening, he helped Shamiso sit down and embraced her in his arms. “Don’t stress,” he said, sensing fear in her eyes. “Ssssh-sssssh. All is well,” he whispered and rubbed her back softly.
Sarudzai, Shamiso’s mother, pretended to be strong. Her doctor, who usually visited her without Shamiso’s knowledge, warned her that her cancer was on stage 4 and that she could die anytime soon. She prayed daily that she lived long enough to see her daughter’s big wedding. It was her wish to do so, but she couldn’t control fate. Some days she would be full of spirit, and this always put Shamiso at ease, but on other days she would spend the whole day in bed with a pale face. Her body would be weak and in agony, but she pretended all was well.
“I told you I’m already seeing a doctor,” a voice spoke from behind Shamiso and Mike. On hearing the voice, Shamiso turned around, ran towards her mother, then hugged her tightly. She was always a baby to her mother.
“My baby, I am no longer young, I’m getting old,” Shamiso’s mother said with a faint giggle. She put her hand on her chest and coughed, then Shamiso helped her sit down and she stopped coughing.
“Water?” Shamiso asked, staring at her mother who was wiping her mouth with a tissue, then flip it quickly into her pocket. Her mother nodded in agreement and Shamiso rushed to pour water for her.
While standing next to them, Mike realised that he needed to give Shamiso and her mother some space. “Baby I will talk to you tomorrow at lunch, right?” He said, giving her a thumbs up. She nodded in response with a smile while watching her mom gulping the water slowly. She was always happy to see her mother energetic.
Sarudzai was in pain, but she sat up full of strength while faking a smile. “I want to be with you on your wedding day,” she said while entwining her elbow with her daughter’s.
“As long you will be strong like this, then my wedding day will be the best,” Shamiso said. She smiled and leaned her head on her mother’s chest.
“I will be with you,” Sarudzai said. “Did you invite Nomatter?” She relaxed on the couch and took a deep breath with her head resting on the couch.
Shamiso sat on the edge of the couch and clung her hand on her mother’s shoulder. “Yes, I think it wouldn’t hurt,” she said, biting her nails. She was addicted to biting her nails, but everyone got irritated with it, even her mother.
Sarudzai took both of her hands and rubbed them gently. “As long you are happy,” she said while smiling.
Shamiso winked at her mother and giggled. She always did that when she was happy.
“But your dad would be happy if you invited the whole family,” Sarudzai added, but Shamiso’s face changed and she frowned. She didn’t know this, but Sarudzai wanted her to have her family close by when she left the earth.
“Don’t spoil my mood, mama,” Shamiso said. She sighed, but then Saru rubbed her shoulders softly.
“If only she knew my time here is short,” Sarudzai thought while rubbing her daughter’s shoulder. Her heart felt pained, like it was being stabbed.
“It’s okay my love,” Sarudzai finally said. “Now, go get me a fruit salad. Off you go.” She pushing Shamiso, but she was always stubborn. She wanted to change the topic because it broke her heart knowing that Shamiso would be alone when she passes away.
Three days went by where Sarudzai did not cough. When that happened, she knew that she would make it to her daughter’s wedding day, and that she would have been devastated if she had to watch it from above.
Tell us: What do you think about Shamiso’s mother not wanting to tell her daughter about her sickness?