Martha arrived at work and found Robert furious. She went to her till counter and Robert followed her.

“I need to talk to you… Privately,” he said and paused while Marlon looked at him.

“OK.” she answered, following him. She entered his office and Robert slamed the door. He looked at her and she started to shake.

“Why didn’t you return or send a message?” he asked angrily.

“Sorry. I got busy.” she answers. “Are you seeing someone?” he said, sitting down.

“Why do you say that?” she asked.

“Please don’t do that again.” he said.

She walked to him and kissed his cheek and whispered, “I won’t.”

She walked out back to the counter.

After work, she took a walk home, exhausted, as if she just wanted to sleep. The stairs were hard to climb and finally she got there. She entered her room to found it untidy and smelly, she sighed.

She opened windows and started to clean the room. While doing her bed, she could smell semen on the sheets. Who slept on her bed? It couldn’t be her mother and Robert, she thought. Who could sleep in her bed then? She removed the thought out of her mind and changed the sheets. After an hour of cleaning, now she could rest with a glass of champagne. She switched her television on. She was feeling hungry then she heard a knock. Who could be at the door this time?

“Nom, what are you doing here?” she asked, puzzled and let her in.

“I am your big sister. I just came to hang with my little sister,” she answered. She poured herself a drink and sat down.

“Come sit with me sister,” Nomatter said, smiling. Martha sat down annoyed.

“Come on, let’s say it’s a girls’ night.” she said, sipping her wine.

“Let’s watch a movie, but first you cook.” Martha suddenly talked.

“Aaaaw sister, why? I am a guest here.” she said.

Martha stared at her then Nomatter laughed and walk to the fridge. “I will cook then.”

Nomatter cooked beef stew and rice with a French salad.

“We will watch Fast and Furious 8.” Martha said loudly.

“Why not a chick flick?” she asked, frowning.

Nomatter handed her a plate full of food and Martha put the disk in the DVD player. They ate silently watching the movie. They put the plates in the sink after and Martha got into bed. Nomatter hated dirty plates, so she washed them before she slept next to Martha. Nomatter couldn’t sleep and kept checking her phone. She closed her eyes thinking she would fall deep in sleep. Her phone beeped, it was Abraham.

Abraham: Hey baby, miss you.

Nomatter: Hi love, just sleeping too.

Abraham: How was your day? Mine tough.

Nomatter: It was cool. I am now at my little sister.

Abraham: You mean Martha? How is she?

Nomatter: I say she is fine. We talk tomorrow.

Abraham: Love you. Good night.

Nomatter: Good night hunie.

Nomatter smiled and switched the light off and slept. She woke up when she wanted to use the bathroom. She switched the light on. She saw something familiar; it was Martha’s panty hanging on a line. She remembered she saw the same type and colour at Abraham’s home.

Maybe it was just coincidence. But her mind kept thinking, what if Martha was sleeping with her boyfriend, what then? Nomatter didn’t sleep, she looked at Martha. How could she cheat with her boyfriend? Martha woke up and found her sister looking at her with raging eyes.

“Nomatter, really.” she woke up and went straight to the bathroom.

Nomatter stood up and placed the blankets well. She went to the stove and made eggs and coffee.

“Breakfast is ready,” she said when Martha came back from the bathroom.

“Thanks. I wish you stayed with me every day.” she said, smiling.

She sat and ate with the wrapped towel over her body.

“Tell me sister, do you like Abraham?” she asked, concerned.

“Yes. He is handsome. You are lucky to have him.” she said.

“I saw a panty like yours at his place.” Nomatter spoke sadly.

“What? Are you saying he is cheating?” she said with a fake puzzled face.

“It’s OK. Maybe it’s true, his sister came.” she said sadly.

Martha consoled her and dressed for work.

Nomatter went to bath after cleaning the room, she is always smart, hated every piece of uncleanliness. She locked the door and walked down the street, she had to hand over Martha’s keys then go to her surgery. She found the shop busy and gave Robert the keys to hand over to her sister.


Tell us: Do you think Nomatter should confront them about her suspicions or just let it go?