Marlon stood at her watching her. “I am falling for you,” he said. Martha walked to a corridor and called him quietly. She pulled him and kissed him. Marlon held her tightly till a siren went off. “Let’s have dinner tonight.” he whispered and left.
Martha went back to her counter. Tonight she will be with Marlon, she couldn’t spend a day without a man, it would lead her to the bar.
The dinner with Marlon was good and romantic, but not the same as with Abraham or Robert. Martha only wanted to play, no serious relationships. Robert would never leave his wife. Abraham was a player, he already played with her sister. Nomatter already thought he will marry her, poor Nomatter, she thought.
On Friday, her mother came unexpectedly. Martha sat by the bed when she joined her.
“I came to see your dad, I will leave tomorrow.” she said.
Roberted enters and saw the women. “Hey baby.” he said and hugged Martha. Melody shook his hand as he sat next to Martha.
After a while Melody walked out, leaving her daughter and Robert. She looked at the stars thinking about the husband she was missing. She went back when the room was quiet. Martha lied saying she had to visit her sister who needed help. She looked at her phone, hoping Abraham would send a message that he was downstairs.
Abraham: I am here, come let’s go.
Martha: Give me five minutes.
“I have to go.” she said, grabbing a small bag.
“Oh, why can’t Robert join me for a cup of tea?” Melody asked.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” he said.
Martha kissed his cheek and left. Melody made tea while Robert stared at her. He was eyeing her. She gave him a cup filled with tea which spilled on his trousers. She quickly took a towel and started to wipe his thigh. He took her hands and kissed them.
“Why can’t you give me what Martha was supposed to give me?” he spoke gently.
He kissed her lips and they become intimate. Melody enjoyed it; she kept touching him and kissing him. Robert couldn’t stop kissing her as she went on top of him. He felt her body softer than Martha’s. He just knew sex was sex no matter who you were having it with. After an hour, he took hold of his clothes and dressed.
“You already leaving?” she asked.
“I have to go.” he said and left, holding his shoes and belt.
Melody smiled and slept peacefully. She never cheated on Gerald before, it was still good to feel young. Martha spent the whole weekend with Abraham. Nomatter would text at night which irritated her a lot.
“You are the best, don’t worry.” he said after being aware of how Martha felt.
“Are you serious?” she asked.
“I am in love with you.” he said calmly.
They held each other, kissing. Morning came sooner than they wanted; she had to leave before Nomatter came to pick Abraham up. She left in a hurry. Nomatter was by the corner when she saw Martha.
“What are you doing here?” she asks.
“I… I came to see my friend. I am already late,” she said, running.
Nomatter looked at her and shook her head. She walked into the gate. Abraham was also late. She opened the door and found blankets on the floor. Abraham was singing in the shower.
“Abraham what’s with you today?” she shouted.
“What did you say?” he said, coming from the bathroom. She started to fix the bed then noticed the panty of a woman.
“What’s this?” she asked.
“It must be Maka’s.” he answered slowly. “I went home for the weekend. My sister was here.” he continued when he knew Nomatter was staring at him.
“I am going to be your wife, teach her not to leave panties everywhere.” she said furiously.
He hugged and kisses her to calm her down. He was afraid she will know the man who will marry her is falling for her sister. After dressing, his room was sparkling clean and they went to work. Abraham worked close to Martha’s surgery.
Tell us: What do you think will happen next?