She sat down and cooked sadza. She took the dried meats and boiled them so she could make the relish. She added spices and some veggies in the pot. After cooking using firewood, she stood and put a pot with water so that she could bath.

She went to her bedroom to find all the rooms had been cleaned. She took a bucket and soap and wet to bath in the stall bathroom outside. She dressed in a clean dress and took a walk in the garden, checking if everything was weeds-free. The tomatoes would be ripe soon, so that she could sell at the stall at the market.

While she stood there, Lovemore came to where she stood.

“My honey bee,” he said, holding her waist. She walked away.

“We have to be careful,” she answered and smiled.

She walked to the kitchen and sat on the floor. She could smell mbanje coming from outside.

Lovemore sat on the bench as Jessica dished out some food and shared it with him. She took a dish and gave him some water to wash his hands. He kept looking at her but she only smiled. She didn’t want to meet his eyes. She was sexually attracted to her husband’s brother and couldn’t help herself. But these encounters had to stop or they would only lead to disaster.

Bright came back after two weeks and Lovemore returned back to his parents’ home. Bright bought his wife a stove, fridge and some blankets.

“My husband, you know you are a good man. Thank you,” she said, welcoming her husband with a hug and a kiss.

“This is for us. I hope you are preparing for our future. I mean that we should plan for a baby,” he said, smiling.

After putting the goods in their lounge, Bright was already sitting in the kitchen. Jessica wasn’t sure if having a baby was the best decision. With her intimating with Lovemore, it will ruin everything. She was enjoying Lovemore more than her own husband.

“I hope Lovemore was behaving,” he said as his wife gave him food.

“Yes. He is a good man. I don’t know why I even complained in the first place,” she said and
laughed a bit, wanting her husband to believe what she said.

Bright sensed something was going on but ignored it. He knew he paid lobola for the right woman. Jessica was a respectable, loving woman with good morals; even his mother praiseed her a lot. He wanted to spend his future with Jessica.

After their dinner, she locked the kitchen and waited for her husband, who went to bath. Lovemore texted her.

I already miss you my honeybee.

I miss you too my tiger. Hope he leaves soon then we are back together.

Bright came from the bath, startling her and her phone fell to the ground.

She quickly jumped and picked it up and checked her messages, deleting the conservation before her husband could see.

“Are you OK?” Bright asked her, staring at her face.

“Yes, my love, I just got puzzled for a moment,” she answered and they both walked to
their home. She locked it.

She made love to Bright that night, but it wasn’t the same as with Lovemore.

She couldn’t complaining, and accepted the man who married her. If she would exchange her husband for Lovemore, she realised that Lovemore was more like a useless grump, only excelling in the bedroom department.

Bright stayed for a week, but had to leave town because he got hired again.

“I hope when I come back, you will be with a little one,” he said, delighted.

She gave a fake smile as he kissed her on the forehead. Within few minutes after he had left, Lovemore arrived with his bag of clothes.


Tell us: What do you think will happen next?