After work I didn’t want to see my friends. I entered the first taxi back home. It was so quiet. I hopped off at the bus stop then I saw a lot people standing around. Something had happened and I wanted see what it was. I walked quickly even though I was tired. Everyone was standing at Nancy’s house and a police car was there.
“What is happening?” I asked a man who was standing alone.
“This girl is fake. We respected her while she was damaging our youth with drugs,” he shouted.
I walked and stood on my tip-toes so I could be a bit taller. I saw the police walking with Nancy to a van. Some other police carried sacks, one, which I saw the night when I was checking them.
“Arrest her and throw away the key,” an angry mother shouted.
I looked around and I didn’t see Tafi being arrested.
“Did they also arrest Tafi?” I asked.
“He ran away when the police arrived,” an old man said.
“Let us help the police,” a boy said.
“Yes, let’s do that,” the boys who stood there said.
They were about to leave when the police stopped them. “Please let us do our job. Don’t take matters in your hands.”
“OK. We just want to find him,” the leader said.
The police nodded his head and they ran making all noises. I walked home and met my friends by the corner.
“Nicky,” Brenda said.
“Hi, how are you?” I asked shyly.
“I wish we believed you. Will you forgive me?” Brenda asked.
“I forgive you. It wasn’t a big deal,” I said holding her shoulder.
“I hope you can forgive me. We should have believed you,” Thelma said and hugged me.
Brenda felt left out and hugged the both of us.
As we stood, chatting with my two friends, a noise came from the other way. We looked and saw Tafi and the boys who went searching for him. The other crowd was standing at Nancy’s home. The boys shoved him so hard that he fell. Tony, the leader had confidence that he would catch Tafi all along. The police had already left but the police who took the evidence were still there.
“What the hell?” Thelma said as she pulled us closer so the crowd wouldn’t push us.
“At least they got Tafi,” I yelled.
“Please forgive me. I won’t…” Tafi pleaded.
“Shut up walk… Move.” Tony looked stronger than all.
I think he knew where Tafi hung out because he also used to be a friend of Nancy’s. Maybe he didn’t know they were evil doers.
“Please… Thelma help me… Anna… Please,” he begged.
He reached the other crowd then we walked closer to Nancy’s home.
“We must punish them,” Emma said.
“Yes, let’s beat him so he can learn,” Tony shouted.
“No, noooo!!! We must take him to the police. Let the police take him and let the law take its course,” Mr Monga said, he was a pensioner. He was a police officer before he retired and people respected him a lot and always listened to his advice.
The police who were still there cuffed him and put him in a van. People kept shouting and showing their anger. I walked with my friends to the tuckshop, I needed to buy bread and juice.
“I still can’t believe this,” Thelma said.
“We should have believed Nicky. She saw them for who they are,” Brenda said.
“Guys, it’s not you who didn’t believe me. My mother liked Nancy just like you did. It’s nobody’s fault,” I said sincerely. “I have to go home,” I said and waved.
I walked inside our gate and walked inside the house.
“Evening Mama,” I said and put the bread and juice on the table.
“Come sit down Nicky,” she said louder.
I walked back and sat beside her. She looked sad and frail. My mother was old but not that much, she still had energy. Sitting at home made her old because she didn’t exercise too much. I worried when I looked at her.
“Is something wrong Mama?” I asked.
“I just want to apologise for not believing you. But how did you know about Nancy?” she asked concerned.
“Mama, my instincts felt that way,” I answered her ashamed.
“You were spying on her, weren’t you?” she asked looking at my eyes.
I feared her eyes, for she could see the truth in my eyes. Spying was not a good thing, I guessed.
“Mama, no I didn’t,” I answered.
“Nicky I know you. I get it. What if something happened to you?” she said while holding my shoulder.
“I am sorry Mama,” I said shyly.
I could’ve put myself in danger if they had caught me. Tafi was a very bad person, he would have killed me like the man who worked for them. This was the last day Nancy was on everyone’s lips. A person who was everyone’s friend!
Tell u: What did you think of the story?