Samson felt his body as he awoke to his consciousness, and on the process Nothando’s voice played in his mind.
“No, Samson, the best way to kill a man is through taking away what he loves most. Lulu and your son are what you love the most, your only prince and queen. I’m even thinking that maybe it’s them who I’m supposed to be going after.”
“I’m going to walk out of that door, Samson, and finish what I’ve started. I hope to see you soon at their funeral, unlike your daughter’s, which you didn’t attend, Mr Nkalanga.”
He woke up into a hospital bed, a severe headache struck him as he tried to recall how he got there. A Nurse came in to run a check-up on him.
“How long is it going to take before I’m discharged Nurse?”
“You’ve just awaken Mr. Nkalanga and I need to run some tests on you to see if you’re okay, however I must say you’re a strong man. The poison didn’t do any internal damage it’s just tempered with heart and lungs and so you fainted. But you’ll probably be discharged tomorrow if you get good results.”
“I need to go and see my family, they’re in trouble.” he said and his phone rang.
He picked it up in a rush, “Lulu are you okay!?”
“Yes Lulu are you okay?”
“How can you asked me that Samson after all this time you’ve abandoned me and your son?”
“I’m coming home tomorrow Lulu. In the meantime don’t open the door to anyone.”
“Samson, what’s going with you?.”
“Lulu I’m coming don’t let anyone in, call your father to stay with you.”
“Samson listen!” she shouted.
Samson kept quiet to hear her out.
“I don’t know if you still love me, but I want you to know this before you continue doing what you’re doing wherever you are, and tell me after if you still really love me. I want you to know how much I loved you and still do ….”
And so Lulu explained everything that she did with Thami. What she went through, the sacrifices and risks she took just to have a relationship with Samson. She revealed the whole truth. Samson got shocked and remained silent.
“So Nothando loved me and you didn’t? you never did?”
“No, it’s not that I don’t love you, I did and still do. I told you all of this to show you how much I do.”
“I’m coming back tomorrow, we can’t talk about this on the phone.” he said in shock.
“You’re not angry at me baby?”, Samson didn’t respond.
“Samson? who shouldn’t we open the door to? what’s going on? Samson are you there?”
Samson hung up.
Nothando arrived at her parents house. She found everyone seated in the dining room except for David who never came back to the house since the morning.
“Morning everyone.” Nothando greeted them.
“Where were you Nothando? you’re not answering my calls and now you show up from nowhere.” Thandeka asked.
“Okay, I’m fine mommy and how are you?”
“Nothando!? Show some respect. And what are you doing here? you’ve finished all the money dad blessed you with? you’ve come for more?”
“Why are you attacking me Vuyisile?” Nothando asked.
“Because we get our marriages denied all because daddy’s favourite doesn’t see she’s grown up to find herself a man!”
“Excuse me!? Are you mad!?” She shouted.
“Nothando that’s not a way to talk to your sister.” Her mom interfered.
“Oh because she talking to me the right way!?” She shouted. “And what a great way to tell me the good news that you’re getting married. I know Mother that you love Zethu and Vuyisile more than me, they’re your favourites right!? they’ve achieved what you hoped for them didn’t they?”
“That’s not what she said Nothando.” Zethu said.
“So Zethu I’m no longer your big sister, I’m Nothando to you now! you call me by name.”
“Nothando stop!” Thandeka shouted.
“Anyways you go on, both of you. Vuyisile and Zethu, continue what you’re doing as mommy’s children. I know that I’m loser, no work, no child, no husband. This house …” she said pointing the everything in the house, “It’s all yours, this and this, it’s yours mom with your husband and two children isn’t!?” She said with tears falling.
“Nothando you don’t understand, we meant ….”
“Shut Up!” She cut Zethu. “I came here to try and open with you guys about what’s going on in my life. But it’s clear you’re not interested in wanting to know me better, after all we’ve through though guys! How could you? I guess I made the right choice, it’s better to die in prison than living with people who don’t love you.” She cried and went out.
She slammed the door on her way out.
“Prison?” They all got shocked.
“What’s going on with my family?” Thandeka asked herself.
Samson got discharged, and went to say his goodbyes to Angel and Jackie.
“I thank you both for welcoming me into your home.”
“That’s sweet to hear, please be fine brother and travel safely.”
“Yes I will.”
“See you again when you visit.” Jackie said.
“Please send my greetings to Sihle and my sister-in-law. We’re looking forward to meeting them.” Angel said.
He then gave them a handshake and he rushed to Durban.