A few days later, Michael called Gladys to his office regarding her new role for the position of supervisor she was once interviewed for a month ago.

She was concerned, asking herself questions like: Am I being retrenched? Or have I done something wrong? Or is it because of his wife?

It didn’t sit well with her being called by her boss since his wife confronted her, but she had no choice but to go to his office to find out.

“I am sure you’re surprised as to why I called you into my office,” Michael said with a Cheshire smile on his face.

“Yes, sir I am sorry, and I can explain.”

Michael wondered what Gladys was talking about.

“You can explain, explain what, you don’t you have to worry. I am the one who must give an explanation here. I have called you here to tell you the good news.”

“Oh okay,” said Gladys.

“Congratulations on your offer. We are delighted to offer you the position of Cleaning Supervisor with an anticipated start date of 1 January 2020. I will send you a detailed offer letter via email. If you choose to accept this offer, please sign, scan, and email your letter to me before 4pm tomorrow.”

Oh my God. You are worthy to be praised; Gladys sent a silent prayer up to the heavens.

“Thank you very much Mr Michael, I really don’t know how to thank you for this offer, and I am telling you that you won’t regret giving me this opportunity.”

“You’re welcome Gladys.”

Late that night, Prince could see that his mom was in a different mood, the way she was smiling and singing gospel songs. Prince had no choice but to ask his mom the reason behind her mood.

“Mom are going to tell me what’s going on with you today, I mean you’re all over the place, looking happy.”

“My son remember the interview that I once attended at work. You are now talking to the new cleaning supervisor. I got the job my son, indeed God’s grace is enough. Things will look better now and by next year January, I will be starting as supervisor and at the same time registering part time with the university for Bachelor of Education that I’ve always dreamt of.”

“Oh mom, that’s awesome, I am happy and proud of you,” Prince said beaming.

“My son, remember I once said it takes a while but when you are focused, you will definitely ensure that you fulfil your dream and I can feel it now; I’m so close to achieving it.”

“It is true when they say, “Perseverance is one of the key qualities that you need to reach success,” said Prince to his mom.

“Yes, my son, how did you know about that?”

“My teacher used to say this in our class, that life has no short cuts, you need to work hard no matter the obstacles, keep going because those obstacles are meant to test our focus, patience and perseverance towards success.”

“She was indeed correct my son, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

“What does this mean mom?”

“My son it means having optimism and a positive can-do attitude in the face of adversity or misfortune. Lemons advocate sourness or difficulty in life; making lemonade is turning them into something positive, an achievement essentially.”


Tell us: Do you know anyone as wise as Gladys?