Diana knew that if Thomas did not pull himself away, she wouldn’t have stopped that kiss. She walked to work, smiling. Everyone could see she had a glow on her face.

“OMG girl, you’re glowing. Is it Tom that’s doing this to you?” Shaine asked while cashing up.

“I am in love Shaine, don’t blame me,” she said.

“What about James?”

“I need to let him go, I’m just wasting my time and his,” she said with a sigh.

She looked over to see James giggling with the other co-workers. He did not even bother to say good morning to her.

“Do it soon,” she warned as she went into the office.

Shaine was working half the day and Diana worked a full shift. Her mind was far from her work. She was distracted by the thoughts of Tom.

“Hey! What’s up with you? Wake up! We have customers!” the manager demanded.

Diana was humiliated but she still didn’t care. She heard the customers whispering about her and shaking their heads. Some said she should be fired, others said it was only because of a man that she was like that. She just laughed but they were right, it was a man distracting her, her dream man.

She felt her cell phone vibrate and waited for the right time to check it when there weren’t any customers.

“Baby, I miss you. Let’s have dinner tonight?

I wouldn’t miss it.

I will send further details later.

She smiled even brighter. He missed her. He wanted to see her. That alone melted her inside. Finally her dream man had recognised her. She wondered what happened to taking things slow.

Her shift finally ended and she cashed up. James was waiting for her outside at the exit.

“Hey babes, I need you tonight,” he said persistently.

“What do you want?” she asked annoyed.

“I have needs baby,” he said pulling her close to his body.

She pulled away. This was the final straw.

“You want sex? Sorry, I can’t do this anymore. It’s over between us,” she said and walked away.

He stood there calling out her name. She did not turn back around. She saw Thomas waiting for her in the parking lot. And her smile came back.

“Hey, I was waiting for you,” he said, giving her a hug.

“What a surprise! But hey, I still have to get changed.” She said looking at her uniform.

“You look great baby. I want us to move to another level,” he said holding her hands.

They walked hand in hand and Diana wondered if James saw them, he probably accepted the break up.

They went to a classy restaurant in town called Cirros. They enjoyed dinner and dessert. Thomas kept looking at her all night. She ate everything up so quickly, hardly looking up.

“You were hungry hey?” He said laughing.

“Eish, it was a tiring day,” she responded shyly.

“I love you. I was just embarrassed to admit it.” He said holding her hands.

That’s when he moved in to kiss her. They shared a passionate and deep kiss.

They went home to Thomas place; he was renting a bachelor flat; a real gentleman flat. It was smart and elegant. She loved it. Finally her dream had come true, falling asleep in her dream man’s arms right there in his home. The two of them made love and she felt like the happiest woman on earth.

She suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and checked her phone – there was not one single missed call or text from James. She did not care; it was more than enough proof that he never truly loved her.

She then fell asleep on Tom’s chest, smiling as she drifted off without a care in the world.

The next morning when she woke up, she smelled food coming from the kitchen and Thomas was not in bed with her.

“Tom?” she called out.

“I’m coming babe.” He responded.

He came with nothing but his shorts on, carrying a tray in his hands. The tray consisted of food, fruit juice and a red rose.

“You are so romantic.” She said with a shy smile as she covered her body with the sheets.

“There you go, my lady,” he said putting the tray on the bed and kissed her softly on her forehead.

She drank the juice and ate her breakfast. She didn’t notice he was staring at her. He just smiled at her.

“What?” she asked, shyly.

“You’re beautiful.” He whispered.

She nearly wanted to cry. There was no more searching, she had found her dream man.

Six months later they got married. Thomas was good to her and their love was much more than a fling or a fantasy. It was no coincidence that he walked into that shopping centre and caught her eye. She smiles as she thought back to the day she met her dream man.


Tell us what you think: How did you enjoy the story? How did you you’re your dream partner?