She stared at him, undressing him with her eyes; she wanted him badly. He looked at her with a serious face too. They had their eyes locked on each other and she could feel her heart racing, but then she dropped her phone by accident. They both reached to pick it up and knocked each other’s heads. They both laughed at Diana’s clumsiness.
Diana moved closer to kiss him and he moved closer to her. But then he pulled away.
“Let’s please take things slowly, I would like to get to know you better,” he whispered gently.
The way he looked so deeply into her eyes, melted her.
“I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I almost kissed you,” she said shyly.
“It’s OK, I almost kissed you too,” he said with his eyes not leaving hers.
They spent the rest of the afternoon talking about their lives and what they wanted out of the future. They began to know a little more about one another.
Thomas was a pharmacist. He had never been married before, but was in tons of relationships although he has never met his dream girl yet. He was a family guy and would love to start his own family soon. He wanted two children. He had ambitions of living in a nice house and be married.
It was everything Diana could have wished for as she thought back on James; he did not want any of those things. James had no intentions of getting married to her and they never spoke about the future. The more she thought about how her relationship with James, the more she began to wonder if she was just a side chick.
He spoke to her when he felt like it. He never called or SMSed her, only sent cheap WhatsApp texts from time to time. He always complained that he was too tired or busy to see her when she wanted to see him. They only went on one real date since the two years they were seeing each other.
He never wanted to show public affection towards her but he always enjoyed their private time together; when they had sex. She more than often felt like an object to him instead of someone he truly loved. Because of that she could not see a future with him. But as crazy as it may have seemed, she could picture herself with Tom for life.
Back from town in their neighbourhood they walked slowly down the road, strolling like two love birds. She told him where she stayed and they exchanged numbers.
Then she walked her way and crossed the street. She knew he was staring at her, but she did not turn around to see. Once she reached her gate she saw him staring at her from a distance. He waved and she waved back.
She had the biggest smile on her face as she entered her yard and into the house.
“I’ve got him! Yes!” she exclaimed with excitement.
All she could think about was the time spend with Tom. She couldn’t wait to tell Shaine the news. She grabbed her phone from her bag and began to text Shaine.
Girl you won’t believe it! I just went out with him, his name is Tom.”
How is that possible???
I am serious doll, he is so charming and we almost kissed.
You’re talking bout the man in the suit?”
Yes girl, I have him now. But he wants to take things slow.
Girl, you’re lucky hey
Diana hugged her pillow tight and smiled at how lucky she truly was. She fell asleep with thoughts of how great it felt to be in love and how great it would be if they were in love together.
Tell us what you think: What do you think will happen next?