“Are you ready for the movie?” Roy asked, settling himself down on the couch next to Cherry.

She sighed, not looking forward to another rom-com. She couldn’t stand them anymore and hated watching people so happy in love while she felt lonely.

It’s been eight long years since her last relationship and it had not been like the stuff of the movies. There was no romance, no fun and no love. Romantic movies were overrated.

But some people got to experience that kind of ‘television’ love. Her friends, Luna and Lucy were two examples. Luna was madly in love with Charles and they weren’t ashamed to show their love in public. Cherry rolled her eyes whenever Luna talked about the latest gesture Charles did. Now Luna and Charles were married. Charles was Luna’s high school sweetheart and they were still nauseatingly in love after so many years.

Why couldn’t she find someone who would love her like that? There were no more good guys left in the world.

“You should try online dating, you’re going to be a lonely spinster,” Roy said worriedly.

“Arg…What’s the point?” she said, drying the dishes on the sink after the movie. “No one looks at me anymore, it’s as if I have leprosy,” she said sadly.

“Nonsense, you are a babe and any smart guy would be lucky to have you,” he said genuinely.

Cherry could hear the heartbreak in his voice. Roy had been in love with her since high school but she didn’t feel the same way about him. She was in love with Tendai back then, the school’s Brad Pitt and he broke her heart terribly. Roy was there to pick the pieces. Roy was always there for her but now he seemed to have given up and moved on with his life.

“I can create a hot profile for you,” he suggested. “I’ll add you on Eskimi and Twoo. You can choose who you want after you viewed their profiles.”

Cherry still wasn’t convinced. But anything was better than spending the rest of her life alone.

“Fine, but first we have to take new pictures. I’m going to change and put some on make-up,” she finally agreed.

Roy created the profile and wrote her login details on a piece of paper email. He looked at the profile and three guys had shown interest in her.

“Cherry, there are three guys who like you,” he smiled.

“So soon? What do I do?” she asked holding her chest.

“Respond dear,” he said.

Roy stood up, giving her the chair to sit. He looked at his watch and realised he had to be somewhere else.

“See you my friend, I have some urgent matters to attend to. Later!” he said rushing outside.

Cherry browsed the chats. Eight guys had sent her messages of greetings and only one wrote, asking her out.

Hi baby. I like you. Would you like to be my woman? I am in love with you.

She looked at his picture, he looked older. He was tall and ugly. She chuckled, thinking about dating a man she didn’t like. But something about him attracted her. She decided to reply to him.

Contact me on 0722672210 we will talk.

After pressing the send button, she felt she had rushed by giving him her number. But maybe we’ll just talk, there is no harm in that, she thought. She desperately needed a man to show her love.

Her phone beeped, it was Roy.

Take your time knowing your daters.


Their appearance can be deceiving.

I know.

Be careful. Good night!

Cherry thought Roy was worrying over nothing. She replied to them without checking their profiles.


Tell us: Do you think it’s wise meeting strangers online?