It took a few minutes to arrive at the industries. Christina had worn her high-heeled shoes and struggled to walk upright in the tarred road. He started to laugh. Christina didn’t bother asking why he was laughing.

“Woman, you surprise me. You won’t need this at work.” He laughed.

“Don’t forget, I am your elder.” She said seriously.

Tawanda kept quiet when they entered the gate of where he worked. He walked to the boss’s office. Mr Fabri was in his office. Tawanda knocked and he answered loudly, “Come in.”

They entered the office, which consisted of a big table and a chair where Mr Fabri stood. There were two chairs on the opposite side. Mr Fabri was a big man with broad shoulders. He had a big tummy, wore a bright lime shirt and grey pants. Two framed diplomas were on the wall. A big picture of a waterfall, which was done by a good artist, was there too. He smiled when they entered.

“Tawanda, I thought she was coming next week.” He said.

“Morning sir,” said Tawanda. “This is my older sister, Christina. I told you about her.” He continued.

“How are you?” He winked at Christina.

Christina looked down shyly. Tawanda and his sister sat down and Mr Fabri explained about what work she would be doing. He asked her three questions, if she could manage starting work that day, if she had health issues and if she could work without influence. When he got the answers he jotted them down on a sheet and gave her the paper to sign.

“You can go to your spot. I will tell her what she needs to do every week.” he said.

“Thank you sir.” Tawanda said and left the office.

Mr Fabri looked at Christina again and walked toward her.

“You are a very beautiful woman. Let me give you the uniform and your equipment for cleaning.” he said, holding her thighs.

“Thank you sir for the job.” she replied, pushing his hand off her thighs.

He kept staring at her shoes, seeing as she was a bit uncomfortable with high heels. He laughed and patted her shoulder. Christina didn’t say anything and simply smiled.

“I will lend you my slippers. You can’t work in those shoes,” he said, clearing his throat.

He walked to the cupboard and took out some slippers and handed them to her. He walked with Christina, showing her around and gave her a uniform when they reached the equipment room.

Christina had an easy day on her first day on the job. She felt relieved even though the pay wasn’t that much. It was better than nothing. At least she could now support her children without her family’s help. She felt happy that she had a job, now she would be able to take responsibility for her children.

After a couple of weeks, Mr Fabri still wouldn’t stop making his move on her, so she gave in. She thought if she slept with him he would promote her. Mr Fabri gave her money and gifts in exchange for sex. She did it secretly, afraid Tawanda would judge her. She would hide the money and gifts and showed them at month-end. Her brother thought she brought them herself.

Tawanda felt relieved too by helping his sister find work, at least something to lighten her burden. Now Christina was working and he wouldn’thave to use his salary but save it and use it for his needs. Christina didn’t tell Tawanda what happened at work. She kept it a secret. They went to work together and returned separately. Christina would arrive at 7 p.m., lying that she hadn’t finished her workload.

She still thought Mr Fabri would promote her after giving him all his needs. She arrived home at 9 p.m. one night and threw herself on the plastic chair.

“Sister, are you OK?” Tawanda asked, sitting on the bed.

“Yes I am.” she answered and took a deep breath.

“OK. Your food is in the warmer. I will sleep. The boss mustn’t take advantage of you.” he said, pulling blankets which were on top of the wardrobe, beside the basin.

Christina felt bad about what was going on. She had been working at Willard’s for 6 months and had recently seen an advertisement for jobs from Woolworths. She couldn’t go on anymore with Mr Fabri. What would her brother say? It would be bad if he found out. Mr Fabri was using her. What if they get caught? She tucked in the blankets and slept after switching the light off.


Tell us: Why do you think bosses take advantage of women like Christina?