It’s Good Friday, and Palesa doesn’t join the family for dinner. Grandma brings a tray with a plate of crispy chicken with fresh salad and mashed potatoes. Palesa shows her miserable and heartbroken face. Granny doesn’t like seeing her grandchildren like this.
“What is wrong, my darling?” she asks, intrigued.
“Nothing, Granny,” she answers, throwing herself on the bed.
Granny puts the tray on the table, and she comes and sits close to Palesa.
“Talk to me darling,” she tries to win her over.
“I am okay,” she answers, annoyed.
“Eat your food, and we’ll talk tomorrow,” she says, walking out of the bedroom.
Palesa doesn’t find any fun talking to Tony. It still hurts her. She loves Tony and doesn’t want to talk to him on the false account. Queen enters and sits on her bed, watching her.
“Did you tell him?” she asks, trying to smile.
“I won’t,” Palesa stands up furiously.
“Then I will let him know,” she says, trying to open the door that Palesa covered, “Get off. I will tell Grandma everything,” she hisses.
Palesa moves away, afraid that if her grandparents know, it will be disastrous. Queen walks out the door. Palesa starts crying, bearing guilt and sitting on the bed. Tony will hate her more; this is more than anything she has ever done.
Queen sits alone in the dining room. She pulls out her phone and checks if Tony is on WhatsApp. He is online.
Queen: Hi, it’s me Queen.
Tony: Hi swthrt!
Queen: I want to tell u Palesa catfished u. I am the real Queen.
Tony: Huh. Wat d u mean?
Queen: That fb account in my name it’s not mine but hers.
Tony: And the pics? She is insane, I can’t believe she can’t let me go.
Queen: She used mine! She claims to luv u.
Tony: I should have guessed. I am sorry Queen but in real I luv u.
Queen: Serious? I don’t know what to say.
Tony: Yes!
Queen: I’m blushed.
Tony: Let me call u.
Tony calls and they talk. He keeps cracking jokes, and she keeps laughing. He proclaims his love for her. Queen agrees to give him a chance.
Palesa is in the corner, eaves-dropping. She quickly rushes back and packs her stuff, writes a note and places it on the fridge. She leaves, carrying her bag. In the dark hour, she wants to be far from Queen. She can’t believe her love, her ex, is now in love with Queen, her cousin. She blames herself. She walks to rank and catches a taxi to town.
The city’s quiet with a few pedestrians. She goes to the bus station. The city is full of thieves, but that doesn’t stop Palesa going there. She doesn’t care what happens to her anymore after the heartache and misery that came from her cousin falling for her ex.
She feels used and lied to. Recalling Tony’s words, she cries on the benches. The bus will be at the station next morning, she lies on the bench, holding tight to her handbag.
Queen finds Palesa gone but she thinks she is out for fresh air. She finds out in the morning when Granny reads the letter. She feels guilty for backstabbing her cousin.
Queen and Tony’s relationship grows stronger and eventually they get engaged.
Palesa and Queen never communicate again, even though Queen keeps trying to reach out. Palesa never visits her grandparents again. It brings bad memories for her.
Tell us: What lessons did you take out from the story?