They arrive in their grandparents’ village and take off their high heels and wear sneakers, so it won’t be difficult walking on the gravel road. The yard has two houses with an empty kraal in the corner. Palesa and Queen walk slowly in the yard, greeted by a barking dog and hens. The doors are open, but no one is outside. Grandma hears the dog bark and comes to check.

“Billy…Billy…I hope you still remember me,” Palesa shouts.

She looks at the dog, but it keeps barking. She thinks maybe Billy has already forgotten about her. Queen sees Grandma smiling.

“My grandchildren…nice to see you,” she says, hugging them.

“We missed you, Granny,” Queen smiles.

Musa, their cousin, rushes to help them with the bags. Musa is an orphan. Their grandparents decided to live with him after his parents died a few years ago.

“Granny, where’s Billy?” Palesa asks.

“He died…it’s been long since you visited,” she answers.

Palesa walks to the peach house so she can charge her phone. Musa has put their bags in the guest’s room.

She takes off her sneakers and sighs, “Phew.”

Palesa switches her phone on after a few minutes. She opens her WhatsApp, but Tony isn’t online.

Palesa: I would like to date a guy like you.

Tony:Why me?

Palesa: You are a good man. I am in love with you.

Tony: Why me? But I feel something too.

She switches her phone off so it can charge faster. She wishes she could stay in bed. She then goes to join her Granny and her cousin. Palesa finds them in the dining room where Granny is serving them juice. Musa sits close to Granny, helping her with grinding maize to make it samp.

“How was your journey?” she asks.

“It was good, but long,” Queen answers.

Grandma was busy laughing with Queen and Musa about an incident when Palesa was young. She ignores it and thinks about Tony.

Palesa sips her juice quietly. Her mind isn’t there with them. She imagines herself sitting with Tony drinking juice. She sees him holding her hand, smiling and stroking her cheek with his hard, sexy hands.

“Palesa, tomorrow you’re going to help in the garden. You always have magic fingers,” Grandma says, looking at Palesa.

Queen sees Palesa isn’t listening, so she smacks her shoulder harder. Palesa comes back to the real world, shocked. Musa laughs louder but Grandma looks on.

“What?” she asks, confused.

“Granny’s talking to you,” Queen says gently.

“Sorry, I am a bit tired,” she walks quickly away to the bedroom.

“What is wrong with her? This isn’t the Palesa I know,” Grandma says, worried.

“Maybe she is tired, she didn’t sleep in the bus,” Queen smiles a bit.

Queen stands up, embarrassed, then giggles, the juice in her mouth.

“Check on her…my lovely Palesa,” Granny says sympathetically.

Queen walks to the bedroom slowly then opens the door quietly. She sneaks in and sees Palesa switching her phone on. She closes the door; she wants to see the secret on her phone. She sees Palesa smiling, but she isn’t aware of her presence.

“Oh Queen, you are a sweet girl. I really like you, hey. But I can’t love you. Palesa won’t be happy you want me. Let’s just be friends,” her phone speaks.

Queen is shocked at what is happening. She suspects a lot of things. She quickly wipes the thought of Palesa catfishing Tony using her own name. She walks back to the dining room.

Tell us: What do you think about Tony entertaining her ex’s cousin?