“Queen… Palesa… you girls, you sleep late. You are going to be late for your bus,” Mom says loudly, opening the curtains and allowing more light into the room.
It’s Wednesday morning with a cool breeze and a clear sky. They have blankets covering their sleepy heads. The light wakes them up and they look at the clock. It’s quarter to 7am. They must visit their grandparents and spend time with them during the Easter season, so Palesa’s mom has booked bus tickets for them to travel from Johannesburg to Umlazi.
After her bath, Palesa can only think about opening Facebook. She quickly checks if Tony has accepted her request yet. Queen runs to the bath, and she’s out in two minutes.
“A minute bath…” Palesa chuckles and closes her bag.
“We are late…we should be on our way,” she says, dressing into her skirt.
Palesa faces the mirror, applying her makeup. Mom checks in to see if they are preparing and not back in bed. She goes back to pack lunch boxes for the girls. Palesa carries her bag and Queen is busy looking for her shoes. Palesa walks to the kitchen, worn out.
“Queen, you better hurry,” Palesa shouts.
“Here your lunch boxes to eat on the way,” she gives her a basket.
“I want to eat now,” Palesa says, behaving like a child.
“You will be late,” her mother says, “Queen,” she screams.
“I am coming, hey,” she says loudly, closing the bedroom door.
“Greet Granny and Grandpa. Please behave, girls,” Mom says, opening the door.
Queen and Palesa walk to the bus-stop. Palesa looks at her phone every few minutes.
“You already miss your phone,” Queen says, looking at her anxiously.
“I want to see if it has data,” Palesa says quickly, tucking her phone into her handbag.
Queen watches Palesa looking at her phone earnestly. Palesa smiles when she sees Tony has accepted her request. She sends a message.
Palesa: Hi, I want to know if you are Palesa’s ex.
I am her cousin. How are you doing?
You sound like a good guy. I like you hey.
Her game is now on. Her heart is at ease. She receives a notification that there is a message. It’s Tony.
Tony: Hi how are you? I am doing okay?
Yes I know Palesa.
She is my ex but a lot happened you know.
How is she?
Palesa: She is doing okay.
Thanks for getting back to me.
Tony: I don’t remember you.
Tell me about yourself.
Palesa: I am her cousin.
I was adopted after my parents died.
Recently my foster parents died too
Tony: I’m sorry about that.
You seem nice.
Tell us: How would you react if your cousin was using your name to catfish their ex?