Instead of saying anything to Abby, I push past her and go shower. When I am done, I find her seated on the bed, combing her beautiful blonde hair. I notice the scar under her hair. It is the scar from the accident. Her brain was outside her scalp, with a deep hole on her head, when the ambulance found her, already dead.

“It must hurt,” I say, referring to her scar.

“A little. I can still feel pain, you know,” she responds, smiling.

“I will sleep in the other room,” I say.

She shrugs in response, so I walk out and go to sleep in the other bedroom. When I get there, I get into bed, but then my cell phone suddenly rings.

“George Clint?” I answer

“You want help? Bring fiancé to me,” Papa Obi’s voice says on the other side of the line, and then the line goes completely dead.

After putting the phone down, I go to sleep feeling a bit hopeful.

The following morning, I wake up and shower. When I am done, I make us Abby’s favourite breakfast: eggs, bacon, Russians, fries, avocado, and my special sauce. I then toast eight slices of bread, and boil tea.

While I am busy, Abby wanders into the kitchen, scratching her head and yawning dramatically. “You have had a change of attitude,” she greets.

“I cannot punish you for my doings,” I respond.

“Oh well,” she says, sitting down. I then sit opposite to her. “You remembered,” she says, smiling down at her plate, and I nod proudly in response. “And your special sauce?” she asks.

“You know it!” I respond, and then giggle.

“Thanks, George,” she says.

“I want to take you out today,” I say.

“Where?” she asks. Her eyes light up. She has always loved outings and road trips.

“Just a road trip,” I respond.

“Yay! That sounds like fun! I have missed those. Thanks, George,” she says, holding my hand.

A rush of coldness and love flood my body. “Do I really want her gone, again? Do I want to drift back to my depression state?” I think to myself. “Get ready, I will clear up here,” I finally say, and then stand up after we both eat.

Before leaving the room, Abby hugs me and kisses my lips with her cold and freezing lips. “Thanks,” she says, and then goes to the bathroom.

After she leaves the room, I am left astonished.

Tell us: Do you think George is making the right choice by taking Abby back to Papa Obi?