“This is not over, George. Not by a long shot,” Abby says.

Before responding, I drop all the things I have with me on the floor. “How is this possible?” I think to myself.

Abby is standing perfectly unharmed in front of me. I search her body for a bullet hole, but I get none, not even a single drop of blood.

“How is this … po … possible!” I cry out.

“You cannot kill a woman who is already dead,” Abby responds.

“I shot you!” I scream.

“I am not real, you said it yourself, and I really think you should work on your aim, George,” she responds, and then puts the bullet on the table and goes back to cooking.

I grab hold of my gun again and cock it.

“Don’t you even think about it,” Abby says with her back turned to me. “Stop making this difficult for us. Accept me as I am. You asked for this, George, so you will have to live with it for the rest of your life. Day in, day out,” she continues while putting plates on the table. “I made your favourite.”

It is macaroni and cheese.

“Sit and say grace,” Abby whispers in a way that sends shivers down my spine. “George, say grace,” she repeats after I sit down opposite to her.

I pray and then I eat afterwards, swallowing every single mouthful hard.

“You will get used to me with time George,” Abby says. “And for once in your miserable little life, be a man, George!” she shouts.

While we are busy eating, there is a knock on the door.

“George! I brought you a plate!” Mrs Shevon shouts from the other side.

Instead of responding to Mrs Shevon, I look at Abby, and she stares back at me. She then walks to the bedroom, as if enabling me to open up for old Mrs Shevon.

“Oh, you have company! I did not know,” Mrs Shevon says when she sees the two plates on the table.

I scratch my head in response, not sure what to say.

“Oh well, seems like you are full. Is there a special lady in your life now?” Mrs Shevon asks, and I shake my head in response. “Oh, you young people with denying your partners. Can I meet her?”

“Not now. Another time, thanks Mrs Shevon,” I respond, and then push her out the door and lock it.

Honestly, what would Mrs Shevon say if she saw Abby? She was also at her funeral, and she adored her like she was her own daughter. That was the reason she took it upon herself to look after me shortly after Abby died.

“I have missed Mrs Shevon,” Abby’s cold voice says shortly after I close the door.

Tell us: What would you say if you found out that someone you know who is dead has come back to life?