I worked hard at OK for 6 months, saving everything I could. I used some of the money I earned to help with groceries and paying water and electricity bills. Alison had passed with 2 Bs and 7 Cs. She couldn’t go to Advanced levels so she started doing Accounting while I studied Secretarial Courses and Administration.

The course was tough. It was for the best that I didn’t want to remain a cashier. We worked during the day and attended college during the
night. We always rested during weekends, but we had to study since we wanted to pass our exams in November.

I was just coming from college, Alison had left and I had to walk alone. A drunkard was busy talking to himself on the road. I got irritated when men drank and they couldn’t look after their families because of beer. I came closer and noticed the jacket he wore. My Uncle had the same jacket. I came closer and took a glance. It was Uncle Patrick.

He couldn’t walk and he fell down. I ran to him. I made him hold my shoulder for support.

“Uncle, why are you drinking like this?” I asked.

He stared at me and began to laugh.

“Who are you?” he asked loudly.

“Uncle Patrick, it’s me, Laurie. You probably won’t reach home. Come sleep over where I stay,” I answered.

I helped him walk to Alison’s home. I opened the gate as he was holding my waist. He was weak and even sleeping. I pulled him in as Alison opened the door.

“Who is this?” she asked, confused.

“It’s my uncle,” I answered, as I helped him sit on the sofa. He could barely open his eyes. He slept. I walked to close the door.

“Why are you helping him? Have you forgotten what they did to you?” she shouted.

“Alison, I can’t leave him in the street. He is family,” I answered.

She lifted her hands as if she gave up. She left to the bedroom. Uncle Patrick was sound asleep. I made him lie on the sofa and removed his shoes. He was snoring, so I took a blanket and covered him.

I entered the room that I shared with Alison. She was asleep. I sat on the bed and did a little studying before I slept.

Morning came fast. I heard noises and I woke up in my gown. It was Uncle, he had kicked a flower pot. He looked confused as to how he got there, until he saw me. He was puzzled.

“Morning, Uncle, can I make you tea?” I asked.

“Laurie, we have been looking for you,” he said happily.

“I am here. I couldn’t stay there, because I wanted to work and Aunt Lucy wouldn’t let me work,” I answered and sat down.

“Life at home is bad,” he shared with his head looking down.

I made tea with some toast and drank with my uncle. He told me about Vimbai failing her exams and how his sons are doing drugs. Aunt Lucy became controlling of him. She misused father’s life insurance money and now, they were left with nothing but a big debt. That
was why he drank non-stop. He even told me he missed my cooking and the way the house was always clean.

“You worked hard. Your parents are smiling down on you,” he said with a smile.

I went to take money from my purse and gave him some. He was happy, hugged me and left. I went to wake Alison. We would be late for work. I quickly showered and dressed in my uniform.

I worked hard, and I passed my secretarial certificate. I advanced to a diploma and finally the degree. Uncle came to see me. He came alone, without Aunt Lucy and his children. I know she had been jealous of me. All she wanted was my parents’ money. I was once a black sheep, but Uncle was now respecting me and showing me love. He also became the dad I always wanted in him.

I promised to pay the debt my uncle owed so that our house wouldn’t be taken by the bank. I was now renting my own flat in town, with three rooms and good furniture. I asked Uncle to bring his wife and children. Alison came so she could help me cook a nice meal. Alison was now an Accountant at a bank. I worked at a company called Noczim. I was the secretary there.

Alison opened the door. My uncle and aunt with children stood at the door.

“Welcome, come in,” she said as they entered.

Aunt Lucy and her children looked at my furniture and everything in it. They were amazed, only Uncle ululated. I could see jealousy in their eyes.

“Hello Aunt and Uncle, Vimba and the boys,” I spoke and shook hands with them.

They sat down on the dining furniture. I also sat down.

“See what I told you. Laurie has worked hard,” he said.

“What if a man is helping her?” Aunt Lucy asked.

I could see her jealous eyes. Vimbai nodded her head.

“No, that can’t be. Laurie passed her Form 4, studied and worked,” he said and stared at Vimbai.

“Vimbai, you are lazy and your mother spoiled you,” he continued. “I wish I treated you right, Laurie. Your parents’ home is your home. We are moving back to the village,” he said, staring at me, holding my hand.

“No, Uncle, stay there,” I persuaded him.

“I am not going there, Baba. You inherited it,” Vimbai hissed.

Uncle Patrick reminded them that they were all evil and bad to me. I wanted them to stay at my parent’s home. Uncle Patrick refused. At least he showed remorse, even if the others didn’t. He is my family after all.


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