After seven months Doyle had manipulated fifteen girls into having sex with him at his home. And he would take a photo of himself and the girls he had sex with after intercourse. His status was greatly uplifted. He was more popular than Rowden and James who were part of the Iron Niggas.

Everyone wondered how a guy as ugly as Doyle was able to get all those hot girls to sleep with him. It was all fun and games until Doyle tried his magic on Kimberly; his knowledge for sex he offered to Kimberly. Even though it was August she was still called the new girl at the school especially because she was quiet and shy.

This one will be easy, Doyle thought to himself. She was not as beautiful as Naomi but she had nice curves and a nice booty. Doyle had smoked a heavy dose of weed that day.

“Hey,” Doyle greeted her.

“Hello,” she replied.

“I really hope that you’re enjoying your time at this school,” Doyle said looking straight into her quite huge breasts; he couldn’t wait to get his hands on them.

“I am enjoying schooling here thank you. Just that am not happy with my recent test marks,” she said.

“Oh yeah I’ve noticed. I can help you with that, for a small fee of course,” Doyle said with a smile.

“I don’t have any money,”

“I don’t want money. I want you,”

“Excuse me?”

“Yeah. I want your body, nothing’s for mahala. I’ll let you copy from me when we write a school test. In short I’ll give you my knowledge for sex,” Doyle said. Kimberly stood up and yelled at Doyle.

“Are you mentally disturbed or something? Do I look like a prostitute to you? Hai uyahlanya. I’m going to report you to the principal,” she walked out of the class furiously.

The class was shocked at first but exploded in laughter. It took Doyle ten seconds to return to his senses and realise that he was in very deep trouble. Shit, this girl will be the end of me, she’ll ruin me, Doyle’s conscious warned him.

Relax Doyle, all you’ve got to do is apologise, his high but calm sub-conscious assured him. Doyle ran out of the classroom and stopped Kimberly just in time before she got into the principal’s office.

“Let me go you witch,” Kimberly yelled loudly.

The principal must’ve surely heard that, Doyle thought to himself.

“Please forgive me. And you’re right, I am mentally ill. I say stupid stuff especially when I don’t take my medication. I can’t control my desires at this state. Especially to a girl as beautiful as you,” Doyle lied trying to charm.

“Hey wena I am not a fool. I know your type,” she shouted at him.

“What’s going on here?” the principal said with an angry voice, frustrated by the yelling.

“This mad boy offered to help me with school tests in exchange for sex,” Kimberly yelled with her finger pointed at Doyle.

Dammit, time for plan B, Doyle thought to himself.

“Actually sir it’s the other way round. This girl begged me to help her copy my school tests in exchange for sex,” Doyle explained confidently.

“Hey wena I’ll slap you if you don’t tell the truth you piece of trash,” she said as she tried to slap Doyle, whom had cowardly took some steps backward to protect himself from her.

“You see, Sir. She’s mad. Why is she angry like that if I’m lying,” Doyle said.

Eish, I should’ve studied this girl more. That way I would’ve found and manipulated her weakness, Doyle thought to himself.

Nxaa you witch. I was planning not to press any charges so that this would be solved at school, but now I will,” Kimberly yelled.

Or maybe not, he thought.

“Alright shut up you two. I’ve had just about enough of this racket,” the principal said agitated.

“Now, we’re gonna resolve this in a civilised manner,” the principal said. Doyle didn’t like the sound of that. Four witnesses were called that were close to both Doyle and Kimberly.

Doyle was relieved as he saw the first three witnesses because he hadn’t bribed any of them to have sex with him. The last witness was Naomi. Doyle’s heart started to race. Doyle looked at Naomi seriously into her eyes as she passed by, indicating to her not to say a word.

Relax Doyle, she needs you to survive this grade as no one will let her to copy their school tests for her to pass. Doyle’s sub-conscious assured him.

The principal talked with the girls behind closed doors. Doyle was secretly fidgeting with his hands. After thirty minutes Doyle heard a car stop outside the principal’s office. An hour later the principal came out with the witnesses. Doyle couldn’t quite make out the principal’s emotions. He looked at Naomi and she turned her face away from him.

“Doyle. I’m utterly disappointed in you. How could you do this? Not only to one but fifteen girls?” The principal said.

I’m busted. Time for plan C. Naomi must’ve shown the principal the photos of the girls that I’d bribed into having sex with and posted on Facebook. That was a dumb idea. Doyle thought to himself.

“I didn’t force them to, they all agreed,” Doyle said.

“What you did is similar to prostitution. You’re going to get locked up,” the principal said.

Doyle’s conscious and sub-conscious agreed on this action, which was to RUN.

“I’ll be locked up where? You won’t catch me,” Doyle said as he ran out of the principal’s office. Only to find two policemen waiting for him.

“Take one more step and we’ll shoot you,” the police man warned.

This can’t be fucking happening, Doyle thought as the policeman handcuffed and threw him in the police van. He was booed by the whole school. News spread fast at school. Doyle had landed on his head – hard – behind the police van. His forehead bled.

Because of the knock, the manipulative thoughts disappeared for a while. Which meant that Doyle could think clearly for a few seconds.

“This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t smoked weed,” he whispered to himself. And with that Doyle fell back to his manipulative thoughts. He was trapped in his own mind, and there was no way he could bring back his past self.

The End


Tell us: Did you enjoy the story? What should Doyle have the done to be cool instead of smoking weed?