One day at school Doyle was busy practicing Maths when Naomi came over and sat with him.
“Doyle,” she greeted with a smile.
“Yes Naomi,” he greeted back. Whenever Naomi greeted him with a smile it always meant that she wanted to ask him something.
“Can you please help me with this Maths assignment? I really don’t get it,” she said with a seductive smile, she knew that Doyle never resisted her when she did that.
Doyle looked at Naomi straight in the eye. She only talked to him when she wanted him to help her with schoolwork. I’ll never allow anyone to take advantage of me, Doyle had promised himself that in the beginning of the New Year. Naomi moved her face closer to Doyle’s face. She was so close to him as he could smell her perfume.
But then again, I can use my knowledge to get laid, he thought.
“So aren’t you gonna help me,” Naomi said in a sweet voice.
“Ofcourse. You know I can’t say no to you,” Doyle replied.
“Thanks hey, I…”
“Whoa slow down. I’m not finished yet. There’s nothing for mahala on this planet, so you’ll have to give me something in return,” he said in a tender voice and Naomi’s eyes widened with shock.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Naomi said with her voice beginning to become loud.
“Yeah, and before you shout at me and cause a scene, remember this, I helped you to understand and pass Maths, Technology and all the difficult subjects that you had a problem with last year. So in conclusion I’d say you need me more than I need you,” Doyle said with a confident smile.
Naomi didn’t respond, she still couldn’t quite believe her ears.
“You decide whether you want to pass or fail Grade 9. You won’t survive Grade 9 without me,” he added confidently.
Naomi looked at Doyle disgusted. She knew that if it wasn’t for Doyle’s efforts last year she wouldn’t have passed Grade 8. She needed Doyle more than he needed him.
“You give me sex, I give you my knowledge. It’s that simple,” Doyle assured.
“Okay,” Naomi agreed in a soft voice.
“Come again?” Doyle said.
“I said I’ll do it,” Naomi replied. Doyle was extremely excited, but he hid it from Naomi.
Who the hell am I? That’s the question that Doyle asked himself, looking at the bathroom mirror in his home. That’s the question that lingered around his mind ever since he started to smoke weed. Doyle still couldn’t quite believe what had happened. He had sex for the first time with one of the most popular girls in his school, something which he had only experienced during wet dreams.
Doyle remembered every minute of it. They had sex at the bushy area of the school during studies. The grass and trees were so tall that it was easy to hide on them. During intercourse Naomi never showed any signs of enjoyment at all.
Doyle picked up his matchbox that had weed stuffed in it and analysed it. He couldn’t believe that he had changed over the past weeks because of weed.
He had sworn at his best friend and manipulated Naomi because if it. The weed had totally made him the opposite of what he used to be. He was now social, confident and also some sort of a manipulative playa.
Doyle went to his room and rolled a joint and smoked while he watched hard-core gangster movies. When he became high from the weed he texted Robert via Whatsapp and told him about his memorable day.
Had a blast 2day with Naomi @ de bush bra
Wat? U lie, I dnt blive u.
Serius bra, nw y wuld i lie?
Lols did u take a video?
Lols, wat 4?
4 proof man
Maybe nxt tym,?
Lols wow did u use a condom?
No man.
Eh, why? She assured me dat she’s clean man.
Tjo, hai I gat no comment on dat
lols she’s clean man ai. Not every1 has Aids
lol k. gud nyt man
I should’ve used a condom, Doyle thought to himself. He was too excited to even think about it. At that moment, when Doyle was high because of the weed he had some funny, stupid and cool ideas. But the one that he liked the most was being his own man. He always wanted to join the Iron Niggas gang to be popular, but he realised that he didn’t need them.
I’ll become way popular. Girls that ask for my help will become my objects. Doyle thought to himself with an evil laugh. That was the birth of a manipulative player. He would first smoke some weed with Robert at the school’s toilet to gather confidence.
Doyle only targeted girls that he knew got poor results. He would simply say to them, “Would you like to sit with me and get 90% and above on today’s test?” That was all it took for Doyle to trap those unsuspecting girls on his web.
Tell us: What’s risks is Doyle facing? Would you do what he did? Why? Why not?