Cindy and Dozi walk down the road to a near garage (petrol station) to get some food. Dozi’s phone rings, it’s Fana calling.
“Broh, you good?” answers Dozi.
“Yeah, please don’t leave the house, I’m coming right now. Seems Zulu followed me, he might be somewhere there.”
“What? We are down at the filling station, to get some snacks…”
“Okay, look out for an Audi A4, make sure he doesn’t see you. And please take care of her for me Dozi broh.”
“Wait, the car you just identified is parked across the road. What do we do now?” Dozi panics.
“Don’t leave the shop. Call the police quickly. I’m on my way.”
“What’s going on?” Cindy asks as he pulls her to hide.
“Your boyfriend is here, right across the street. We must not leave this shop,” he says, dialling the police.
“Who are you calling?” Zulu asks standing right behind them.
“The police and Fana are on their way,” Dozi answers.
“Are you sure you want to do that?” Zulu asks, showing him the gun and holding out his other hand for Dozi to toss the phone, which he does.
He turns to Cindy and says, “And you, you tell the person that you don’t love him no more, you don’t run away with other men. Come on, let’s go.”
“She’s going nowhere with you. Do you want to go Cindy?” says Dozi getting between Zulu and Cindy.
Cindy just stands there, frozen, with her hands on her mouth. Zulu pulls his gun, shoots Dozi in the stomach and grabs Cindy by her hair and drags her to the car. He opens the boot, orders her to get in and he shuts it with her inside.
He starts the engine and drives off.
The car rapidly gains speed as he approaches a four-way stop. He has zero intentions of stopping. He gets blinded by a very bright light coming from his right side as he enters the four-way stop. A car knocks them over.
When Fana gets to the filling station he hears the news about Dozi, but the police and ambulance have been phoned. He rushes out after Zulu and Cindy. And to his surprise, he finds Cindy’s car knocked over at the four-way stop and there’s Zulu hanging upside-down, unconscious.
Cindy isn’t anywhere to be seen and Fana worries for a moment when he can’t find her. He thinks quickly and decides to check the boot. Cindy was unconscious. Fana feeling relieved gets Cindy out.
He puts her in his car drives back to the filling station to wait for the ambulance and police. Cindy and Dozi are taken to the hospital.
After taking care of Mr Zulu, the police open three cases against him – reckless driving, attempted murder and kidnapping.
The following day the news break on all the local media platforms with headlines: #AbuseofPowerGoesWrong!
Fana calls his cousin Linda and breaks the news to him, and tells him that their plan is off.
However, they’re still going to celebrate the good news when he arrives. When Cindy gets out of hospital after three days, she thanks God that she’s still alive. Dozi is doing well, but is still in the hospital recovering. Cindy and Fana visit him every day.
After the case goes to court, the untouchable Zulu gets sentenced to 45 years jail time. It is only three years later that Fana finishes his degree and gets to marry Cindy – at last.
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