I woke up on a Sunday morning feeling energetic. I put on my favourite black shorts, which I probably wear every morning when getting ready for school, with a clean white vest. I took my washing basket outside to do my laundry. Well, I’m one of those people who don’t attend church; instead I hang out with my friends when I am not busy at home. On that particular Sunday I decided to visit my cousin whose area is not a walkable distance from mine. It had been quite a while since we’d seen each other.

The day was so hot that after I was done with my laundry I took a cold bath. When I was ready to go I locked the door and put the key under the mat which was neatly laid outside just before the door. I couldn’t have forgotten that because the last time I did, my mother went to my friend’s home and scolded me for leaving with the key.

I bought an ice cream on my way to the train station. I loved taking the train. In Cape Town you could say it is nearly free since sometimes you didn’t have to present a ticket because there would be no ticket inspectors there.

“Knock! Knock!” I called at the door which was open, but no one seemed to be inside.

“Heee! Thembani is that you? You’ve grown up since the last time I’ve seen you. How are you my boy?” Asked my aunt as she came from one of the few rooms.

“I am fine Aunt. Everything seems to be going well at the moment and you?” I said sitting comfortably on the sofa.

“Ai! Not much to complain about mtshana…. Is Nozipho at work?”

“Yes Aunt, she works almost every day now,”

“OK mtshana. I extremely miss my sister, it’s been a long time. Whew! I was just cleaning my bedroom, you can fry yourself some eggs. There’s a Coke in the fridge and you know where the bread is. This is your home anyway.”

“Thanks Aunt, where is Thabo?”

“He is at the back in his shack. He hasn’t come out today. When I knocked on his door about 30 minutes ago he claimed to be busy with his school work.”

“It’s fine Aunt. Let me check up on him, I will eat later,” I got up and poured myself a glass of Coke before heading to the back of the house.

When I got to my cousin’s shack the door was closed. After I knocked a few times he opened the door with a slight irritation.

Eita mfethu, ekse do you know how hot it is outside for shutting the door?” I said opening the door widely to let the fresh air in.

Eish! I was lost in my thoughts man. How are you dude?” He said lying on his back on the bed, his eyes fixed on the roof as if he was noticing it for the first time.

“I am cool dude, hey don’t think too much, you will die young man,” I said with a bluff laugh.

“Have you ever loved someone so much it hurts? Have you ever had sleepless nights because your mind is trying to figure out how you will express your love to that person? Have you ever been betrayed by someone who meant the world to you?” He blurted out.

“What’s up with these questions dude? What the….”

“Yeah! I knew you wouldn’t understand dude,”

Thabo had failed his grade 11 the previous year. He told my aunt that he wished to repeat his class at another school. Reasoning that his would be classmate would mock him for failing.


Tell us what you think: Would you notice if your friend was getting depressed? What would you do to help?