She felt sad and hurt, her pain dug a big hole. Her heart shattered in pieces. The pain of losing the man she loved was unbearable. There was great music so they went to dance. DJ Snake ‘Taki Taki’ was playing. She didn’t notice but a guy with glasses was eyeing her. It was Nerdy, the top scholar who loved books. When she caught his eye, she faced the other side and danced.

“Do you mind if I join you?” a voice asked.

She looked back and nodded. Suzanne gave a thumbs up and she smiled.

Don’t leave me boy
Please stay with me
Don’t leave me boy
Please stay with me


That night, Noni sang in a loud voice as she sat by her bed, full of thoughts. She opened her pink book. ‘Poems For My Love Keith’. She smiled because the love notes she wrote made her believe Keith would come to his senses and return to her. She thought hard about her feelings. They were just feelings and her cravings were just ambushed. They went nowhere. Keith didn’t want her.

Suzanne was right: she needed to let him go. Her obsession with Keith had to end, but she couldn’t do it on her own. She remembered she was studying psychology: depression was real. It could make her fool herself, but she didn’t want to admit to anyone that’s why she kept quiet, even to Suzanne, her trusted friend. She didn’t want to appear weak and foolish. Everyone would have something to say. Being open can make people treat you differently. Everyone has something to say when you cry out and some responses can break you.

The school had its own counsellor; Noni secretly booked herself in for one session through the internet. She read her books and stopped writing poems of her feelings for Keith. It was enough, Keith didn’t detect any sign at all. He would never read her declarations of love.

“Sweetie, let’s go out.” Suzanne threw herself on the bed. Noni ignored her and kept reading. “Come on,” she continued.

Noni needed to see the counsellor then, her heart told her so. She put her books on the bed and said, “I’ve got something to do.”

She rushed out, checking that the coast was clear. Seeking help can make you appear weak and delusional. She got cold feet when she was by the door. She wanted to go back. The door opened in front of her.

“Hey Noni, come in ,” Mrs Sakala said, cheerfully. The counsellor once came and gave a speech in one of Noni’s lessons, that’s how she got to know Noni.

There was no way to return and Noni dragged her feet inside. Mrs Sakala was gentle and humble. She asked her what the problem was. Noni was very shy to say, but she forced her mouth open.

“I have a problem.”

“Tell me everything, I won’t judge you,” she smiled.

Noni told her everything. The more she talked the more she felt better and freer. She felt free to open her mouth and offload everything. She felt strong and not shy, Mr Sakala didn’t judge her, but listened attentively.

“It is well. I will help you move on. First things first, delete your obsession from your heart. Create a new heart. Install new things in your heart that make you smile. Remember we get rejected all time, but it doesn’t mean the end. You are a beautiful lady, you will find someone who will love you right back,” she said calmly.

Noni’s tears ran down her cheek and she wiped them away slowly. Mrs Sakala pulled a tissue and handed it to Noni.

“Burn the book and bury everything about that guy in your heart,” she continued.

After a long chat she felt at ease and knew Mrs Sakala was right. Noni walked back to her hostel freely. She passed Keith with his girlfriend in the corridor and she didn’t look . Keith noticed it, he looked at her confused. He wondered what had happened to her, but Noni held her head high.


Tell us: Do you think Noni is finally over Keith?