Anxiety, depression and trauma all manifested in oneโ€™s self.
Sorrow and pain are our daily bread.
Fear and loneliness are part of our being.

Those who claim to love us are our very own enemies.
Those who should protect us are our very own predators.
Those to whom we run are secretly the lionโ€™s den.

Injustices, poverty, discrimination and violence.
Innocent women and children brutally killed.
Men abused by wives while authorities turn a blind eye.

Justice is served for those who have.
Cruelty towards defenseless souls rapidly increasing.
Evildoers roaming the streets free.

What has become of our nation?
Who do we run to during this time of fear?
Who do we talk to during this time of discomfort?
Who do we lean on during this time of need?

How do I express my pain when they laugh in my face
And say thereโ€™s no evidence?

Then again, I remember
I have nothing
I shall sleep and cry my sorrows away.
For sleep is the only medicine to numb my heartache.

Kindness to the people!
Love to our South Africa!
Ubuntu to our leaders!!!