Where will I find God?
The obvious place would be in church!
Dwelling in our praises, doing His wondrous works.
But at times on attending I did not find, as my heart longed for His touch.
Instead I found, I feel out of place, often not, a sanctuary as such.

Where will I find God?
Well, if He’s love, then love I’ll search for, as love is still the best.
It soothes the soul, renews the mind and love has stood the test.
But certain love, had its limitations, I found it lacking, wanting.
My heart at times got bruised and scarred, like a deer for the brooks, panting.

Where will I find God?
In family ties and close relations, yes that’s where it all begins.
Like the Father and Son, I will imitate, be it only not, for generational sins.
A mark so often missed by us, as we blaming those before.
And we end up hurting the ones, we love, and the damage grows all the more.

Where will I find God?
In friendships oh so dear!
A friend for every occasion, that is ever so near.
But the buzzing of our own needs, cuts into our precious time.
Now a friend in need, is only a memory, or simply just a rhyme.

Where will I find God?
In all the blessings that surrounds me!
I’m blessed materially, yet not quite, as happy.
As every time I need some more, of whatever I’m accumulating.
Can’t people acknowledge how great I am, I deserve a better rating!

Where will I find God?
He’s the still and gentle Presence, I notice, but choose to ignore.
For this is where He has always been, with mercies to implore.
It’s a call to repent, to lay down, and, lastly, just to follow Him.
Jesus, is where God is, the One who blots out, all of my sin.